- carpenter's work
- плотничные работы* * *плотничные работы
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
carpenter — [kär′pən tər] n. [ME & Anglo Fr < LL carpentarius, carpenter, wagon maker < L carpentum, two wheeled carriage, cart < Gaul] a workman who builds and repairs wooden things, esp. the wooden parts of buildings, ships, etc. vi. to do a… … English World dictionary
carpenter — /kahr peuhn teuhr/, n. 1. a person who builds or repairs wooden structures, as houses, scaffolds, or shelving. v.i. 2. to do carpenter s work. v.t. 3. to make by carpentry. 4. to construct (a plot, scene, article, or the like) in a mechanical or… … Universalium
carpenter — car•pen•ter [[t]ˈkɑr pən tər[/t]] n. 1) bui a person who builds or repairs wooden structures, as houses or shelving 2) bui to do carpenter s work 3) bui to make by carpentry 4) to construct in a mechanical or unoriginal fashion • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
carpenter — /ˈkapəntə / (say kahpuhntuh) noun 1. a person who erects and fixes the wooden parts, etc., in the building of houses and other structures. 2. US → joiner (def. 2). –verb (i) 3. to do carpenter s work. –verb (t) 4. to make by carpentry. {Middle… …
Carpenter's Coffee House — (later known as The Finish , The Queen s Head and Jack s ) was a coffee house in Covent Garden, London, established by George Carpenter some time around 1762.George Carpenter had been a strongman and then worked as a porter in Covent Garden. By… … Wikipedia
Carpenter Gothic — Carpenter Gothic, also sometimes called Carpenter s Gothic, and Rural Gothic, is a North American architectural style designation for an application of Gothic Revival architectural detailing and picturesque massing applied to wooden structures… … Wikipedia
Carpenter jeans — are jeans with many pockets and loops which can be used to carry objects such as tools and are often loose around the leg to be able to accommodated the affixed items. They are often used by carpenters, hence the name, to carry their tools so… … Wikipedia
Carpenter — (spr. kār ), 1) Mary, engl. Philanthropin und Schriftstellerin, geb. 3. April 1807 in Exeter, gest. 14. Juni 1877 in Bristol, Tochter eines Geistlichen, widmete sich schon früh der Rettung und Besserung verwahrloster Kinder und ist bis zu ihrem… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
work|bench — «WURK BEHNCH», noun. a table for working at, especially one at which a mechanic, carpenter, or other artisan works. A workbench is usually a sturdy, benchlike table specially designed for and fitted with certain accessories required to do a… … Useful english dictionary
carpenter's bench — work table for carpentry … English contemporary dictionary
Carpenter Ministry — The Carpenter Ministry was the 34th Ministry of the Government of Western Australia, and was led by Labor Premier Alan Carpenter and his deputy Eric Ripper. It succeeded the Gallop Ministry on 3 February 2006 due to the retirement of Dr Geoff… … Wikipedia