- cargo terminal
- 1) грузовой причал2) грузовой аэровокзал* * *1. грузовой причал2. грузовой аэровокзал
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Baku Cargo Terminal — (BCT) of Heydar Aliyev International Airport is one of the biggest cargo terminals in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The construction project was estimated at $19,000,000. [cite web|url=http://www.airport… … Wikipedia
Cargo — Cạr|go 〈m. 6〉 = Kargo * * * Cạr|go, Kargo, der; s, s [engl. cargo < span. cargo = (Be)ladung, zu: cargar = (be)laden < vlat. carricare, zu lat. carrus, ↑ 1Karre] (Verkehrsw.): Fracht von Schiffen u. Flugzeugen. * * * Cargo [ kɑːgəʊ,… … Universal-Lexikon
Terminal — may mean: In travel and transport *Pharmaceutical Buying House , is a private initiative global trading platform, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh *Airport terminal, a building at an airport *Bus terminal, a bus station *Container terminal, a… … Wikipedia
Cargo — (or freight) refers to goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship, aircraft, train, van or truck. In modern times, containers are used in most intermodal long haul cargo transport. Marine Cargo Types There is a wide… … Wikipedia
terminal area capacity — The ability of the terminal area to accept the passengers, cargo, and aircraft that the airfield can accommodate. Individual elements within the terminal area must be evaluated to determine overall capacity. These elements are the (i) airline… … Aviation dictionary
Terminal Multimodal Azteca Bicentenario — Interior de la terminal. La Terminal Multimodal Azteca Bicentenario, también conocida como Mexipuerto [1], es una estación de transferencia multimodal (ETRAM), localizada en Ciudad Azteca, en Ecatepec de Morelos … Wikipedia Español
Terminal O'Higgins — El Terminal O´higgins, es el principal terminal de buses de la ciudad de Rancagua, en Chile, se encuentra ubicado en la intersección de la Av. Libertador Bernardo Ohiggins, mas conocida como la calle Alameda y la Ruta 5 CH Contenido 1 Historia 2… … Wikipedia Español
terminal operations — The reception, processing, and staging of passengers; the receipt, transit, storage, and marshalling of cargo; the loading and unloading of modes of transport conveyances; and the manifesting and forwarding of cargo and passengers to destination … Military dictionary
Cargo container — 40 Fuß Container Im Mannheimer Containerhafen … Deutsch Wikipedia
cargo outturn message — A brief message report transmitted within 48 hours of completion of ship discharge to advise both the Military Sealift Command and the terminal of loading of the condition of the cargo, including any discrepancies in the form of overages,… … Military dictionary
cargo outturn report — A detailed report prepared by a discharging terminal to record discrepancies in the form of over, short, and damaged cargo as manifested, and cargo checked at a time and place of discharge from ship … Military dictionary