molecular energy

molecular energy
молекулярная энергия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "molecular energy" в других словарях:

  • molecular energy level — molekulės energijos lygmuo statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. molecular energy level vok. Molekülenenergieniveau, n rus. уровень энергии молекулы, m pranc. niveau énergétique de la molécule, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Energy minimization — (energy optimization) methods are common techniques to compute the equilibrium configuration of molecules. The basic idea is that a stable state of a molecular system should correspond to a local minimum of their potential energy. This kind of… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular electronic transition — Molecular electronic transitions take place when electrons in a molecule are excited from one energy level to a higher energy level. The energy change associated with this transition provides information on the structure of a molecule and… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular physics — is the study of the physical properties of molecules and of the chemical bonds between atoms. Its most important experimental techniques are the various types of spectroscopy. The field is closely related to atomic physics and overlaps greatly… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular orbital — See also: Molecular orbital theory In chemistry, a molecular orbital (or MO) is a mathematical function describing the wave like behavior of an electron in a molecule. This function can be used to calculate chemical and physical properties such… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy level — A quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound that is, confined spatially can only take on certain discrete values of energy. This contrasts with classical particles, which can have any energy. These discrete values are called energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular spring — illustrative example of C C length molecular energy dependece, numerical accuracy is not guaranteed …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular dynamics — (MD) is a computer simulation of physical movements of atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules are allowed to interact for a period of time, giving a view of the motion of the atoms. In the most common version, the trajectories of molecules… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular motor — Molecular motors are biological molecular machines that are the essential agents of movement in living organisms. Generally speaking, a motor may be defined as a device that consumes energy in one form and converts it into motion or mechanical… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular graphics — (MG) is the discipline and philosophy of studying molecules and their properties through graphical representation.[1] IUPAC limits the definition to representations on a graphical display device .[2] Ever since Dalton s atoms and Kekulé s benzene …   Wikipedia

  • Energy & Environmental Science —   Titre abrégé Energy Environ. Sci. EES Discipline …   Wikipédia en Français

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