- carbonation
- карбонизация (насыщение углекислым газом из воздуха)- carbonation of hydrated lime* * *карбонизация, насыщение углекислым газом- carbonation of concrete
- carbonation of fresh concrete
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Carbonation — occurs when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water or an aqueous solution. This process yields the fizz to carbonated water and sparkling mineral water, the head to beer, and the cork pop and bubbles to champagne and sparkling wine.… … Wikipedia
carbonation — 1881, from carbonic acid, an old name for carbon dioxide (see CARBONATE (Cf. carbonate)) + ATION (Cf. ation) … Etymology dictionary
carbonation — [kär′bən ə tā′shənkär΄bə nā′shən] n. 1. saturation with carbon dioxide, as in the manufacture of soda water: also carbonatation [kär′bən ə tā′shən] 2. the removal of lime, as in sugar refining, by precipitating it with carbon dioxide … English World dictionary
carbonation — noun a) The state of having carbon dioxide gas dissolved in a liquid. Soda pop is basically sugar water with a little bit of flavoring and added carbonation. b) The amount or level of dissolved carbon dioxide remaining in solution. Celia didnt… … Wiktionary
carbonation — saturavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis CO₂ tirpinimas atšaldytame suslėgtame skystyje. atitikmenys: angl. carbonation; saturation rus. сатурация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
carbonation — saturavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Kalkių pertekliaus šalinimas iš cukrinių runkelių syvų anglies dioksidu. atitikmenys: angl. carbonation; saturation rus. сатурация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
carbonation — carbonate ► NOUN ▪ a salt of the anion CO32 , typically formed by reaction of carbon dioxide with bases. ► VERB (usu. as adj. carbonated) ▪ dissolve carbon dioxide in. DERIVATIVES carbonation noun … English terms dictionary
carbonation — noun see carbonate II … New Collegiate Dictionary
carbonation — /kahr beuh nay sheuhn/, n. 1. saturation with carbon dioxide, as in making soda water. 2. reaction with carbon dioxide to remove lime, as in sugar refining. 3. carbonization. [1650 60; CARBONATE + ION] * * * Addition of carbon dioxide gas to a… … Universalium
carbonation — a form of chemical weathering where natural rainwater, a weak carbonic acid, reacts with calcium carbonate in rock to produce calcium bicarbonate … Geography glossary
carbonation — Synonyms and related words: acetification, acidification, acidulation, alkalization, boiling, bubbliness, bubbling, catalysis, chemicalization, ebullience, ebulliency, ebullition, effervescence, effervescency, electrolysis, ferment, fermentation … Moby Thesaurus