- mineral aggregate
- минеральный заполнитель
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mineral-Aggregat — Verwachsung von Edel und Feueropal als massiges Aggragat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mineral CSA (brand) — Mineral CSA is a finely ground calcium silicate feedstock produced by the U.S. based company Harsco Minerals, which provides a solution for correcting acidic conditions and managing toxic metals associated with acid mine drainage (AMD). Mineral… … Wikipedia
Mineral — Mineral, ein fester oder flüssiger, einheitlicher, d.h. nach seinen chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften in jedem Teilchen gleichmäßiger Naturkörper von einer bestimmten, in einer Formel ausdrückbaren chemischen Zusammensetzung. Künstliche … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
aggregate — [ag′rə git; ] for v. [, ag′rəgāt΄] adj. [L aggregatus, pp. of aggregare, to lead to a flock, add to < ad , to + gregare, to herd < grex (gen. gregis), a herd] 1. gathered into, or considered as, a whole; total [the aggregate number of… … English World dictionary
Mineral Products Association — Abbreviation MPA Formation 2009 Legal status Not for profit company Purpose/focus Trade Association for the UK minerals products industry Location … Wikipedia
Mineral trioxide aggregate — is a material used to fill the root canals of teeth as part of root canal therapy. It has the ability to encourage hard tissue deposition similar to Calcium hydroxide effect. Also both have the same biological and histological properties.… … Wikipedia
Mineral — For other uses, see Mineral (disambiguation). An assortment of minerals. A mineral is a naturally occurring … Wikipedia
aggregate — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English aggregat, from Latin aggregatus, past participle of aggregare to add to, from ad + greg , grex flock Date: 15th century formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
mineral deposit — Introduction aggregate of a mineral in an unusually high concentration. About half of the known chemical elements (chemical element) possess some metallic (metal) properties. The term metal, however, is reserved for those chemical… … Universalium
Mineral industry of Armenia — As of 2005, Armenia was a major producer of molybdenum. The Zangezur copper molybdenum complex possesses large molybdenum reserves that are concentrated in the Kajaran deposit. Besides molybdenum, Armenia has significant deposits of copper and… … Wikipedia
Mineral industry of Panama — Not including any manufacturing of mineral commodities, such as cement or petroleum refinery products, the mineral industry of Panama accounted for about 1% of the country s GDP in 2006. Panama is part of the San José Pact, which allows the… … Wikipedia