- metropolitan district
- столичный округ
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
metropolitan district — metropolitan county or metropolitan district noun A county or district in a heavily populated industrial area of England, the district running more, and the county fewer, public services than other districts or counties • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
Metropolitan District Commission Stable — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Metropolitan District Commission Pumping House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Metropolitan and Metropolitan District Railways — The Metropolitan Railway (MetR) and the Metropolitan District Railway (District) were the first two underground railways to be built in London, creating the world s first metro system. Although separate and independent companies and often fierce… … Wikipedia
Metropolitan District Railway — This article is about the history of what became the District line. For the history of what became the Metropolitan line, see Metropolitan Railway. The Metropolitan District Railway was the predecessor of the District line of the London… … Wikipedia
Metropolitan District — Ein District ( Bezirk ) ist im Vereinigten Königreich die unterste Ebene der Gebietskörperschaften. Sie wurden in den 1970er Jahren eingeführt und waren die Untergliederungen der Countys bzw. in Schottland der Regionen ( zweistufige Verwaltung ) … Deutsch Wikipedia
metropolitan district — A special district embracing parts or the whole of several contiguous cities or other areas, created by a State to provide unified administration of one or more functions; e.g., sewage disposal, water supply, metropolitan transit … Black's law dictionary
metropolitan district — A special district embracing parts or the whole of several contiguous cities or other areas, created by a State to provide unified administration of one or more functions; e.g., sewage disposal, water supply, metropolitan transit … Black's law dictionary
metropolitan district — An entire center of population comprising a city and its suburbs … Ballentine's law dictionary
Non-metropolitan district — Also known as Shire district Category Districts Location England Found in Non metropolitan county Created by Local Government Act 1972 … Wikipedia
Kumasi Metropolitan District — Land Ghana Region … Deutsch Wikipedia