- method of training
- метод обучения
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Method Y — An experiential soft skills training methodology based on discovery, evaluation and personal choice. Method Y utilizes a set of tools deriving from an array of arts, sciences and communication perspectives. Central objective of method Y is to… … Wikipedia
Method acting — is a phrase that loosely refers to a family of techniques used by actors to create in themselves the thoughts and emotions of their characters, so as to develop lifelike performances. It can be contrasted with more classical forms of acting, in… … Wikipedia
training — train‧ing [ˈtreɪnɪŋ] noun HUMAN RESOURCES [singular, uncountable] the process of training someone or of being trained: • 30 workers are being sent to Japan for training. • 90% of the graduates were offered on the job training (= training while… … Financial and business terms
training — [trān′iŋ] n. 1. the action or method of one that trains 2. the process or experience of being trained … English World dictionary
training, transfer of — In psychology, the effect of having learned one activity on an individual s execution of other activities. Positive transfer occurs when a previously acquired skill enhances one s performance of a new one. Negative transfer occurs when the… … Universalium
Training Within Industry — The Training Within Industry (TWI) service was created by the United States Department of War, running from 1940 to 1945 within the War Manpower Commission. The purpose was to provide consulting services to war related industries whose personnel… … Wikipedia
Training — For other uses, see Training (disambiguation). An astronaut in training for an extra vehicular activity mission using an underwater simulation environment. The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and compe … Wikipedia
Method of loci — The method of loci (plural of Latin locus for place or location), also called the memory palace, is a mnemonic device introduced in ancient Roman rhetorical treatises (in the anonymous Rhetorica ad Herennium, Cicero s De Oratore, and Quintilian s … Wikipedia
method — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, effective, efficient, good, practical, reliable, tried and tested (esp. BrE), tried and true (esp. AmE) ▪ Which method is … Collocations dictionary
training with rival method — treniruotės su varžovu metodas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Dvikovos ir sportinių žaidimų sportininkų (komandų) taktinio rengimo metodas esant laiko ir informacijos stygiui spręsti taktikos uždaviniams nuolat kintamomis… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Training set — In artificial intelligence, a training set consists of an input vector and an answer vector, and is used together with a supervised learning method to train a knowledge database (e.g. a neural net or a naive bayes classifier) used by an AI… … Wikipedia