method of initial parameters

method of initial parameters
метод начальных параметров

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "method of initial parameters" в других словарях:

  • Method of analytic tableaux — A graphical representation of a partially built propositional tableau In proof theory, the semantic tableau (or truth tree) is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulas of first order logic. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo method for photon transport — Modeling photon propagation with Monte Carlo methods is a flexible yet rigorous approach to simulate photon transport. In the method, local rules of photon transport are expressed as probability distributions which describe the step size of… …   Wikipedia

  • Chou-Fasman method — The Chou Fasman method are an empirical technique for the prediction of secondary structures in proteins, originally developed in the 1970s. Chou PY, Fasman GD. (1974). Prediction of protein conformation. Biochemistry. 13(2):222 45.] Chou PY,… …   Wikipedia

  • Chou–Fasman method — The Chou–Fasman method are an empirical technique for the prediction of secondary structures in proteins, originally developed in the 1970s.[1][2][3] The method is based on analyses of the relative frequencies of each amino acid in alpha helices …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo method — Not to be confused with Monte Carlo algorithm. Computational physics …   Wikipedia

  • Benesi-Hildebrand method — The Benesi Hildebrand method is a mathematical approach used in the determination of the equilibrium constant K and stoichiometry of nonbonding interactions. This method has been typically used to study reaction equilibriums that form 1:1 guest… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross-entropy method — The cross entropy (CE) method attributed to Reuven Rubinstein is a general Monte Carlo approach to combinatorial and continuous multi extremal optimization and importance sampling. The method originated from the field of rare event simulation,… …   Wikipedia

  • Penalty method — Penalty methods are a certain class of algorithms to solve constraint optimization problems. The penalty method replaces a constraint optimization problem by a series of unconstrained problems whose solutions must converge to the solution of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Finite element method — The finite element method (FEM) (sometimes referred to as finite element analysis) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations. The solution approach is based …   Wikipedia

  • Buteyko method — The Buteyko method or Buteyko Breathing Technique is a holistic health philosophy, primarily for the treatment of asthma, that includes a set of breathing exercises developed by the late Russian doctor Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko (Russian:… …   Wikipedia

  • Collocation method — In mathematics, a collocation method is a method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and integral equations. The idea is to choose a finite dimensional space of candidate solutions… …   Wikipedia

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