- metering
- 1) дозировка2) дозирующий; калибровочный•
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
metering — adjective used to meter something The museum curator went to the shelf and pulled down an ancient metering device … Wiktionary
metering — sub·metering; … English syllables
metering — The process of tracking applicationsoftwareuseandavailabilityacrossa network to ensure that the terms of the license are being met. Metering can also be used to predict when a license will expire and require renewal … Dictionary of networking
Metering mode — In photography, the metering mode refers to the way in which a camera determines the exposure. Digital metering feedback … Wikipedia
Metering pump — A metering pump is a pump used to pump liquids at adjustable flow rates which are precise when averaged over time. Delivery of fluids in precise adjustable flow rates is sometimes called metering. The term metering pump is based on the… … Wikipedia
Metering pulse — In telecommunications signalling, metering pulses are signals sent by telephone exchanges to metering boxes and payphones aimed at informing the latter of the cost of ongoing telephone calls. The properties of these signals differ between… … Wikipedia
metering signal — A (relative) vacuum signal generated by the pressure differential that occurs at the venturi. The strength of the metering signal determines how much fuel is pulled from the main circuit into the venturi. The smaller the venturi the greater the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
metering unit — A unit which regulates the quantity of fuel injected in the K jetronic system. A lever connected to the sensor plate raises or lowers a stepped control plunger in the metering unit. The position of the control plunger relative to the metering… … Dictionary of automotive terms
metering pin — A flow control device in a metering orifice used to vary the amount of fluid that can flow through it. The shape or contour of a metering pin determines the amount of fluid that can flow with the pin in any position other than fully in or fully… … Aviation dictionary
Metering-Bus — M Bus (Metering Bus) ist ein Feldbus für die Verbrauchsdatenerfassung. Die Übertragung erfolgt seriell auf einer verpolungssicheren Zweidrahtleitung von den angeschlossenen Slaves (Messgeräte) zu einem Master. Der M Bus war ursprünglich in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
metering airports — Airports adapted for metering (regulating the arrival of traffic flow into the terminal area) and for which the optimum flight paths are defined … Aviation dictionary