mellow soil

mellow soil
рыхлый грунт

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "mellow soil" в других словарях:

  • Mellow — Mel low, a. [Compar. {Mellower}; superl. {Mellowest}.] [OE. melwe; cf. AS. mearu soft, D. murw, Prov. G. mollig soft, D. malsch, and E. meal flour.] [1913 Webster] 1. Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mellow — 1. adjective /ˈmɛləʊ,ˈmɛloʊ/ a) Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple. b) Easily worked or penetrated; not hard or rigid; as, a mellow soil. 2. n …   Wiktionary

  • mellow — [mel′ō] adj. [ME melwe, ripe, prob. < or akin to OE melu (see MEAL2), Fl meluw, soft, mellow] 1. soft, sweet, and juicy because ripe: said of fruit 2. full flavored; matured; not acid or bitter: said of wine, etc. 3. full, rich, soft, and… …   English World dictionary

  • mellow — mellowly, adv. mellowness, n. /mel oh/, adj., mellower, mellowest, v., n. adj. 1. soft, sweet, and full flavored from ripeness, as fruit. 2. well matured, as wines. 3. soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light. 4. made gentle and… …   Universalium

  • mellow — /ˈmɛloʊ / (say meloh) adjective 1. soft and full flavoured from ripeness, as fruit. 2. well matured, as wines. 3. soft and rich, as sound, tones, colour, light, etc. 4. genial and in good humour, as after wining and dining well: *Exhausted by… …  

  • mellow — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English melowe Date: 15th century 1. a. of a fruit tender and sweet because of ripeness b. of a wine well aged and pleasingly mild 2. a. made gentle by age or experience b. rich and full …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mellow — mel•low [[t]ˈmɛl oʊ[/t]] adj. low•er, low•est, v. adj. 1) sweet and full flavored from ripeness, as fruit 2) soft and rich, as sound, lights, or colors 3) made gentle by age or maturity 4) friable or loamy, as soil 5) pleasantly intoxicated 6)… …   From formal English to slang

  • Mellower — Mellow Mel low, a. [Compar. {Mellower}; superl. {Mellowest}.] [OE. melwe; cf. AS. mearu soft, D. murw, Prov. G. mollig soft, D. malsch, and E. meal flour.] [1913 Webster] 1. Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mellowest — Mellow Mel low, a. [Compar. {Mellower}; superl. {Mellowest}.] [OE. melwe; cf. AS. mearu soft, D. murw, Prov. G. mollig soft, D. malsch, and E. meal flour.] [1913 Webster] 1. Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mel´low|ness — mel|low «MEHL oh», adj, verb. –adj. 1. ripe, soft, and with good flavor; sweet and juicy: »a mellow apple. 2. fully matured: »a mellow wine. 3. soft and rich; full and pure without harshness: »a violin with a mellow tone, a mellow light in a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mel´low|ly — mel|low «MEHL oh», adj, verb. –adj. 1. ripe, soft, and with good flavor; sweet and juicy: »a mellow apple. 2. fully matured: »a mellow wine. 3. soft and rich; full and pure without harshness: »a violin with a mellow tone, a mellow light in a… …   Useful english dictionary

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