- mechanics of rigid body
- механика твёрдого тела
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Rigid body — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics … Wikipedia
Rigid body dynamics — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics … Wikipedia
rigid body mechanics — kietųjų kūnų mechanika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rigid body mechanics vok. Mechanik der starren Körper, f rus. механика твёрдых тел, f pranc. mécanique des solides, f; mécanique du corps rigide, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rigid body — noun an idealized solid whose size and shape are fixed and remain unaltered when forces are applied; used in Newtonian mechanics to model real objects … Wiktionary
Euler's equations (rigid body dynamics) — This page discusses rigid body dynamics. For other uses, see Euler function (disambiguation). In physics, Euler s equations describe the rotation of a rigid body in a frame of reference fixed in the rotating body:egin{matrix}I 1dot{omega} {1}+(I … Wikipedia
mechanics — /meuh kan iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the theoretical and practical application … Universalium
Rigid rotor — The rigid rotor is a mechanical model that is used to explain rotating systems. An arbitrary rigid rotor is a 3 dimensional rigid object, such as a top. To orient such an object in space three angles are required. A special rigid rotor is the… … Wikipedia
Mechanics of planar particle motion — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics … Wikipedia
Mechanics — This article is about an area of scientific study. For other uses, see Mechanic (disambiguation). Mechanics (Greek Μηχανική) is the branch of physics concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and… … Wikipedia
Deformation (mechanics) — This article is about deformation in mechanics. For the term s use in engineering, see Deformation (engineering). Deformation in continuum mechanics is the transformation of a body from a reference configuration to a current configuration.[1] A… … Wikipedia
Continuum mechanics — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia