
1) паспортная мощность; допустимая нагрузка; производительность; выработка
2) подача (насоса)
3) пропускная способность, расход
4) ёмкость (напр. водохранилища, кузова)
5) рабочий объём цилиндра
6) способность

capacity in bales — грузовместимость для киповых, штучных грузов

capacity in grane — грузовместимость для насыпных, зерновых грузов

capacity per hour — производительность в час

to come up to full capacity — выходить на проектную мощность

- capacity of a storage battery - capacity of boiler - capacity of cell - capacity of crane - capacity of driven pile - capacity of floating dock - capacity of heat - capacity of heat transmission - capacity of highway - capacity of reaction - capacity of road - capacity of saturation - capacity of stream - capacity of tyre - capacity of unit - capacity of vehicle - absorbing capacity - absorption capacity - active reservoir capacity - active storage capacity - actual reservoir capacity - adhesive capacity - adsorptive capacity - aggregate capacity - air-conditioner capacity - annual capacity - apparent contaminant capacity - atmospheric moisture capacity - available capacity - basic capacity - bearing capacity of beam - blotting capacity - blower capacity - body capacity - boiler full power capacity - boiler overload capacity - bucket capacity - bunker capacity - burner capacity - burning capacity - carrying capacity - carrying capacity of crane - carrying capacity of pipe - colloidal capacity of bituminous substances - contaminant capacity - continuous capacity - conveyance capacity - conveying capacity - cubic capacity - cutting capacity - cylinder capacity - damage capacity - damping capacity - deformation capacity - delivery capacity - dependable capacity - designed capacity - dipper capacity - discharge capacity - dissolving capacity - driving capacity - earning capacity - effective capacity - elevating capacity - emergency capacity - extra-load bearing capacity - fan capacity - filter capacity - freight capacity - fuel capacity - generator capacity - gross capacity - guaranteed capacity - hauling capacity - heap capacity - heat capacity - heating capacity - high capacity - holding capacity - hourly capacity - hydraulic reservoir charge capacity - idle capacity - inactive storage capacity - infiltration capacity - information capacity - intake capacity - inverted capacity - labour capacity - lateral capacity of pile - lifting capacity of crane - lime-binding capacity - load-carrying capacity - maximum capacity - net capacity - output capacity - overhead door capacity per day - overload capacity - parking capacity - payload capacity - petrol capacity - pigment binding capacity - pile capacity - pipe capacity - posted capacity - productive capacity - pump capacity - pylon capacity - rated capacity - rated crane capacity - rated pumping capacity - refrigerating capacity - reserve capacity - road capacity - runway capacity - sand-carrying capacity of lime - solids take-up capacity - spare capacity - specific capacity - specific heat capacity - strain capacity - subsoil bearing capacity - supporting capacity - tank capacity - tested capacity - total cooling capacity - tractive capacity - traffic capacity - throughput capacity - ultimate capacity - ultimate working capacity - useful capacity - water capacity - wearing capacity - weight-carrying capacity - working capacity
* * *
1.   производительность
2.   грузоподъёмность
3.   вместимость
4.   мощность
5.   способность (материала)
6.   электрическая ёмкость
7.   подача (напр. насоса)
8.   расход, пропускная способность
9.   объём жидкости в сосуде, заполненном на 75 мм ниже переливного отверстия или верхнего края (в сантехнике)
10.  транспортирующая способность (водного потока при переносе наносов)

at full capacity — при полной производительности

- capacity of stream
- absolute traffic capacity
- absorbent capacity
- actual capacity
- actual carrying capacity
- adequate load-carrying capacity
- aerodrome handling capacity
- air capacity
- air carrying capacity
- airport capacity
- allowable bearing capacity
- apparent specific heat capacity
- average annual working capacity
- bearing capacity
- boiler capacity
- bucket capacity
- carrying capacity
- carrying capacity of a line
- channel capacity
- cooling capacity
- covering capacity
- damping capacity
- deformation capacity
- dehumidifying capacity
- delivery capacity
- design capacity
- digging capacity of power shovels
- discharge capacity
- dust holding capacity
- energy-absorption capacity
- erecting equipment capacity
- exchange capacity
- exchange capacity of ion exchanger
- fabricating capacity
- fabricating plant capacity
- fan capacity
- field capacity
- filter capacity
- flood absorption capacity
- gate capacity
- gross storage capacity
- hauling capacity
- heat capacity
- heating capacity
- heat storage capacity
- highway traffic capacity
- hoisting capacity
- holding capacity
- hourly capacity
- humidification capacity
- hydroscopic capacity
- idle capacity
- intersection capacity
- inverted capacity
- ion-exchange capacity
- labor capacity
- lane capacity
- lateral capacity of pile
- lifting capacity
- loading capacity
- load capacity
- load-carrying capacity
- moisture capacity
- nominal capacity
- oxidation capacity
- oxygenating capacity
- parking capacity
- pile load capacity
- pile capacity
- pipe capacity
- possible capacity
- posted capacity
- practical runway capacity
- production capacity
- radiating capacity
- rated capacity
- rated capacity of jack
- rated pumping capacity
- refrigerating capacity
- regulating capacity
- regulation carrying capacity
- reservoir capacity
- rotation capacity
- runway capacity
- saturation runway capacity
- seating capacity
- sediment-carrying capacity
- skin resistance capacity
- slewing capacity
- solids take-up capacity
- specific heat capacity
- steam-generating capacity
- storage capacity
- strain capacity
- strength-developing capacity
- subsoil bearing capacity
- suction capacity
- sustaining capacity
- tank capacity
- taxiway capacity
- terminal capacity
- thermal capacity
- thermal capacity of building
- throughput capacity
- total cooling capacity
- total storage capacity
- track capacity
- traffic capacity
- truck capacity
- ultimate bearing capacity
- ultimate carrying capacity of pile
- ultimate point capacity
- ultimate pullout capacity
- ultimate runway capacity
- ultimate static pile point capacity
- useful capacity
- visual airport weather runway departure capacity
- visual airport weather runway capacity
- volumetric heat capacity
- water-carrying capacity
- waterholding capacity
- waterproofing capacity
- water-retaining capacity
- wearing capacity
- wear capacity
- well capacity
- working capacity

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "capacity" в других словарях:

  • capacity — ca·pac·i·ty n pl ties 1: a qualification, power, or ability (as to give consent or make a testament) created by operation of law 2: an individual s ability or aptitude; esp: mental ability as it relates to responsibility for the commission of a… …   Law dictionary

  • Capacity — is the ability to hold, receive or absorb, or a measure thereof, similar to the concept of volume.Capacity may also refer to: *Capacity (economics), the point of production at which a firm or industry s average (or per unit ) costs begin to rise …   Wikipedia

  • Capacity — Ca*pac i*ty (k[.a]*p[a^]s [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Capacities} ( t[i^]z). [L. capacitus, fr. capax, capacis; fr. F. capacit[ e]. See {Capacious}.] 1. The power of receiving or containing; extent of room or space; passive power; used in reference to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • capacity — [kə pas′i tē] n. pl. capacities [ME & OFr capacite < L capacitas < capax: see CAPACIOUS] 1. the ability to contain, absorb, or receive and hold 2. a) the amount of space that can be filled; room for holding; content or volume [a tank with a …   English World dictionary

  • capacity — ► NOUN (pl. capacities) 1) the maximum amount that something can contain or produce. 2) (before another noun ) fully occupying the available space: a capacity crowd. 3) the total cylinder volume that is swept by the pistons in an internal… …   English terms dictionary

  • capacity — early 15c., from M.Fr. capacité (15c.), from L. capacitatem (nom. capacitas) breadth, capacity, from capax (gen. capacis) able to hold much, from capere to take (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Meaning largest audience a place can hold is 1908. Verb… …   Etymology dictionary

  • capacity — [n1] volume; limit of volume held accommodation, amplitude, bulk, burden, compass, contents, dimensions, expanse, extent, full, holding ability, holding power, latitude, magnitude, mass, measure, proportions, quantity, range, reach, retention,… …   New thesaurus

  • Capacity —   [engl.], Kapazität …   Universal-Lexikon

  • capacity — *ability, capability Analogous words: amplitude, *expanse, spread: extent, magnitude, *size, volume: aptitude, *gift, faculty, talent, bent, turn, knack Antonyms: incapacity Contrasted words: powerlessness, impotence (see corresponding adjectives …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • capacity — n. ability to hold 1) to capacity (filled to capacity) 2) lung; seating; storage capacity 3) a capacity of (a capacity of twenty gallons) ability 4) intellectual, mental capacity 5) one s earning capacity 6) a capacity for (a capacity for making… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • capacity — A lending and credit analysis term that describes a borrower s or applicant s ability to meet debt service obligations. See debt service coverage. American Banker Glossary credit grantor s measurement of a person s ability to repay loans.… …   Financial and business terms

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