canvas cloth

canvas cloth
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "canvas cloth" в других словарях:

  • canvas — 1. noun /ˈkæn.vəs/ a) A type of coarse cloth, woven from hemp, useful for making sails and tents or as a surface for paintings. The term canvas is very widely used, as well to denote the coarse fabrics employed for kitchen use, as for strainers,… …   Wiktionary

  • Canvas — Can vas, n. [OE. canvas, canevas, F. canevas, LL. canabacius hempen cloth, canvas, L. cannabis hemp, fr. G. ?. See {Hemp}.] 1. A strong cloth made of hemp, flax, or cotton; used for tents, sails, etc. [1913 Webster] By glimmering lanes and walls… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • canvas — [kan′vəs] n. [ME & OFr canevas < It canavaccio < VL * cannapaceum, hempen cloth < L cannabis, HEMP] 1. a closely woven, coarse cloth of hemp, cotton, or linen, often unbleached, used for tents, sails, etc. 2. a sail or set of sails 3. a) …   English World dictionary

  • Canvas work — is a type of embroidery in which yarn is stitched through a canvas or other foundation fabric. Canvas work is a form of counted thread embroidery. Common types of canvas work include needlepoint, petit point, and bargello.Reader s Digest Complete …   Wikipedia

  • canvas — ► NOUN (pl. canvases or canvasses) 1) a strong, coarse unbleached cloth used to make sails, tents, etc. 2) a piece of canvas prepared for use as the surface for an oil painting. 3) (the canvas) the floor of a boxing or wrestling ring, having a… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cloth merchant — s Shop, Brooklyn Museum Cloth merchant is, strictly speaking, like a draper, the term for any vendor of cloth. However, it is generally used for one who owned and/or ran a cloth (often wool) manufacturing and/or wholesale import and/or export… …   Wikipedia

  • Canvas — Can vas, a. Made of, pertaining to, or resembling, canvas or coarse cloth; as, a canvas tent. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • canvas — canvas, canvass 1. Canvas with one s means ‘coarse cloth’. The plural is canvases and as a verb (‘to cover or line with canvas’) it has inflected forms canvasses, canvassed, canvassing. 2. Canvass with two s s is a verb meaning ‘to solicit votes’ …   Modern English usage

  • canvas, canvass — Canvas is a kind of cloth. To canvass is to request, to solicit. The canvas of the tent was covered with pine needles. Jim was asked to canvass the block for donations to the United Chest …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • canvas — [n1] coarse material awning cloth, duck, fly, sailcloth, shade, tarp, tarpaulin, tenting; concept 473 canvas [n2] painting on coarse material art, artwork, oil, picture, piece, portrait, still life, watercolor; concept 259 …   New thesaurus

  • canvas / canvass —    Canvas is cloth or fabric: a canvas bag to bring to the beach.    Canvass means to conduct a survey or examine thoroughly , or to seek votes : She canvassed all the stores before she found the right dress …   Confused words

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