main field of activity

main field of activity
основная область деятельности

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "main field of activity" в других словарях:

  • Activity recognition — aims to recognize the actions and goals of one or more agents from a series of observations on the agents actions and the environmental conditions. Since the 1980s, this research field has captured the attention of several computer science… …   Wikipedia

  • Main Street Historic District (Danbury, Connecticut) — Main Street Historic District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district …   Wikipedia

  • Field ration — A French Army combat ration, with two meals and energy bars. A field ration, or combat ration, is a canned or pre packaged meal, easily prepared and eaten, transported by military troops on the battlefield. They are distinguished from regular… …   Wikipedia

  • field day — noun 1. (military) a day for military exercises and display • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine • Hypernyms: ↑day …   Useful english dictionary

  • Activity (chemistry) — In chemical thermodynamics, activity (symbol a) is a measure of the “effective concentration” of a species in a mixture, meaning that the species chemical potential depends on the activity of a real solution in the same way that it would depend… …   Wikipedia

  • Field Museum of Natural History — FMNH redirects here. For the Florida Museum of Natural History, see FLMNH. Field Museum of Natural History U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • field — /fild / (say feeld) noun 1. a piece of open or cleared ground, especially one suitable for pasture or tillage. 2. a piece of ground devoted to sports or contests. 3. Sport a. all the runners in a race. b. the runners in a race other than the… …  

  • Field lacrosse — This article is about men s field lacrosse. For women s field lacrosse, see Women s lacrosse . Field lacrosse A lacrosse player advancing, pursued by an opponent Highest governing body Federation of International Lacrosse First played …   Wikipedia

  • field hockey — a game played on a rectangular field having a netted goal at each end, in which two teams of 11 players each compete in driving a small leather covered ball into the other s goal, each player being equipped with a stick having a curved end or… …   Universalium

  • geomagnetic field — Magnetic field associated with the Earth. It is essentially dipolar (i.e., it has two poles, the northern and southern magnetic poles) on the Earth s surface. Away from the surface, the field becomes distorted. Most geomagnetists explain the… …   Universalium

  • Scandinavian activity theory — is a derivation of Soviet Activity theory, a psychological meta theory, paradigm, or framework, with its roots in the Soviet psychologist Vygotsky s cultural historical psychology.HistoryActivity theory as it was developed by Leont ev and… …   Wikipedia

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