- mahogany
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mahogany — Ma*hog a*ny, Mahogany tree Ma*hog a*ny tree , n. [From the South American name.] 1. (Bot.) A large tree of the genus {Swietenia} ({Swietenia Mahogoni}), found in tropical America. [1913 Webster] Note: Several other trees, with wood more or less… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mahogany — (englisch für Mahagoni) steht für: Mahogany (Film), ein Film aus dem Jahre 1975, produziert von Berry Gordy Mahogany ist der Name folgender Personen: Kevin Mahogany (* 1958), US amerikanischer Jazz Sänger … Deutsch Wikipedia
mahogany — [mə häg′ə nē, məhôg′ə nē] n. pl. mahoganies [earlier mohogeney < ?] 1. a) any of a genus (Swietenia) of tropical trees of the mahogany family, with dark, heavy heartwood b) the wood of any of these trees; esp., the hard, reddish brown to… … English World dictionary
mahogany — (n.) 1670s, from Sp. mahogani, of unknown origin; perhaps from the tree s native name in Maya (Honduras). As an adjective from 1730 … Etymology dictionary
mahogany — ► NOUN 1) hard reddish brown wood from a tropical tree, used for furniture. 2) a rich reddish brown colour. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
Mahogany — This article is about the timber. For other uses, see Mahogany (disambiguation). Honduras mahogany The name mahogany is used when referring to numerous varieties of dark colored hardwood. It is a native American word originally used for the wood… … Wikipedia
mahogany — /meuh hog euh nee/, n., pl. mahoganies, adj. 1. any of several tropical American trees of the genus Swietenia, esp. S. mahagoni and S. macrophylla, yielding hard, reddish brown wood used for making furniture. 2. the wood itself. 3. any of various … Universalium
mahogany — noun (plural nies) Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1660 1. the wood of any of various chiefly tropical trees (family Meliaceae, the mahogany family): a. (1) the durable yellowish brown to reddish brown usually moderately hard and heavy wood of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mahogany — amerikinė svietenija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Melijinių šeimos medieninis nuodingas augalas (Swietenia mahagoni), paplitęs Floridoje ir Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Swietenia mahagoni angl. Cuban mahogany; Mahogany; Spanish… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
mahogany — /məˈhɒgəni / (say muh hoguhnee) noun (plural mahoganies) 1. any of certain tropical American trees, especially Swietenia mahagoni and S. macrophylla, yielding a hard, reddish brown wood highly esteemed for making fine furniture, etc. 2. the wood… …
mahogany — UK [məˈhɒɡənɪ] / US [məˈhɑɡənɪ] noun Word forms mahogany : singular mahogany plural mahoganies 1) a) [uncountable] a hard brown red wood, used for making furniture b) [countable] the tree that produces this wood 2) [uncountable] a brown red… … English dictionary