- magnetic filter
- магнитный фильтр
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
magnetic filter — magnetinis filtras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. magnetic filter vok. magnetisches Filter, n rus. магнитный фильтр, m pranc. filtre magnétique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Magnetic-particle inspection — (MPI) is a non destructive testing (NDT) process for detecting surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferroelectric materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys. The process puts a magnetic field into the part. The piece… … Wikipedia
Magnetic nanoparticles — are a class of nanoparticle which can be manipulated using magnetic field. Such particles commonly consist of magnetic elements such as iron, nickel and cobalt and their chemical compounds. While nanoparticles are smaller than 1 micrometer in… … Wikipedia
magnetic ceramics — Introduction oxide materials that exhibit a certain type of permanent magnetization called ferrimagnetism. Commercially prepared magnetic ceramics are used in a variety of permanent magnet, transformer, telecommunications, and information… … Universalium
Magnetic Resonance Imaging — MRT Gerät (Philips 3T Achieva) MR Aufnahme eines menschlichen Kniegelenks Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT, kurz auch MR; Tomographie von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Magnetic chip detector — A magnetic chip detector is an electronic instrument that attracts ferromagnetic particles (mostly iron chips). It is mainly used in aircraft engine oil chip detection system. Chip detectors can provide early warning of an impending engine… … Wikipedia
magnetisches Filter — magnetinis filtras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. magnetic filter vok. magnetisches Filter, n rus. магнитный фильтр, m pranc. filtre magnétique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Oil filter — Spin on oil filter on a Saab 9 5 An oil filter is a filter designed to remove contaminants from engine oil, transmission oil, lubricating oil, or hydraulic oil. Oil filters are used in many different types of hydraulic machinery. A chief use of… … Wikipedia
Atomic line filter — A potassium Faraday filter designed, built and photographed by Jonas Hedin for making daytime LIDAR measurements at Arecibo Observatory.[1] An atomic line filter (ALF) is an advanced optical band pass filter used in the physical sciences for… … Wikipedia
Mechanical filter — Figure 1. A mechanical filter made by the Kokusai Electric Company intended for selecting the narrow 2 kHz bandwidth signals in SSB radio receivers. It operates at 455 kHz, a common IF for these receivers, and is dimensioned 45×15×15 mm ( … Wikipedia
Electronic filter — Electronic filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically intended to remove unwanted signal components and/or enhance wanted ones. Electronic filters can be:*passive or active *analog or digital *discrete … Wikipedia