- machine-assembled
- машинной сборки
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Machine code — or machine language is a system of impartible instructions executed directly by a computer s central processing unit. Each instruction performs a very specific task, typically either an operation on a unit of data (in a register or in memory, e.g … Wikipedia
Machine à différences — Machine analytique Reproduction moderne de la Machine analytique de Charles Babbage, fabriquée en 1992 pour le Musée des Sciences de Londres La machine analytique (analytical engine en anglais) est une machine de calcul inventée et créée en 1834… … Wikipédia en Français
machine — machineless, adj. /meuh sheen /, n., v., machined, machining. n. 1. an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine. 2. a mechanical apparatus or contrivance;… … Universalium
Machine — This article is about devices that perform tasks. For other uses, see Machine (disambiguation). A machine manages power to accomplish a task, examples include, a mechanical system, a computing system, an electronic system, and a molecular machine … Wikipedia
Machine analytique — Le Moulin (Mill) de la Machine analytique de Charles Babbage, fabriquée sous la direction de son fils Henry Babbage et donné au Musée des Sciences de Londres en 1910 (photo sur le site internet du musée). La machine analytique (analytical engine… … Wikipédia en Français
Machine code monitor — Apple II monitor A machine code monitor (aka machine language monitor) is software built into or separately available for various computers, allowing the user to enter commands to view and change memory locations on the machine, with options to… … Wikipedia
machine shop — noun workshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑workshop, ↑shop * * * noun : a workshop in which work is machined to size and assembled * * * a workshop in which metal and other substances are cut,… … Useful english dictionary
machine shop — noun Date: 1827 a workshop in which work is machined to size and assembled … New Collegiate Dictionary
assembled — Synonyms and related words: accumulated, agglomerate, aggregate, allied, amassed, associated, banded together, bound, bracketed, built, bunched, bundled, cast, clumped, clustered, collected, combined, conglomerate, congregate, congregated,… … Moby Thesaurus
machine made — Synonyms and related words: assembled, built, cast, constructed, crafted, created, custom, custom built, custom made, extracted, fabricated, fashioned, forged, formed, gathered, grown, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, homemade, homespun,… … Moby Thesaurus
Linotype machine — The Linotype machine (pronounced Line O Type [IPA| laɪnəˌtaɪp] ) is a line casting machine used in printing. The Linotype machine operator enters text on a 90 character keyboard. The machine assembles matrices , which are molds for the letter… … Wikipedia