- lith board
- изоляционная плита; теплоизоляционная плита; огнестойкая плита
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Smoke board — Smoke Smoke (sm[=o]k), n. [AS. smoca, fr. sme[ o]can to smoke; akin to LG. & D. smook smoke, Dan. sm[ o]g, G. schmauch, and perh. to Gr. ??? to burn in a smoldering fire; cf. Lith. smaugti to choke.] 1. The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
del-3 (dol-), delǝ- — del 3 (dol ), delǝ English meaning: to split, divide Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘spalten, schnitzen, kunstvoll behauen” Material: O.Ind. dü̆ la yati ‘splits, makes break, crack”, dálati “cracks” (meaning influenced by phálati “ broken … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
der-, heavy basis derǝ-, drē- — der , heavy basis derǝ , drē English meaning: to cut, split, skin (*the tree) Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schinden, die Haut abziehen, abspalten, spalten” Note: Root der , heavy basis derǝ , drē : “to cut, split, skin (*the tree)”… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
leup- and leub-, leubh- — leup and leub , leubh English meaning: to peel, cut off, harm, etc.. Deutsche Übersetzung: “abschälen, entrinden, abbrechen, beschädigen” Note: probably extensions from leu 2. Material: With b: O.Ice. laupr m., leypi n., leypa … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
tēu-, tǝu-, teu̯ǝ-, tu̯ō-, tū̆ - — tēu , tǝu , teu̯ǝ , tu̯ō , tū̆ English meaning: to swell; crowd, folk; fat; strong; boil, abscess Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schwellen” Note: extended with bh, g, k, l, m, n, r, s, t Material: O.Ind. tavīti “is strong, hat Macht” … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
(s)kel-1 — (s)kel 1 English meaning: to cut Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schneiden” Note: not reliable from kel “hit” and kel “prick” (above S. 545 f.) to separate. Material: O.Ind. kalü ‘small part” (: Serb. pro kola “Teil eines gespaltenen… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
kel-3, kelǝ-, klā- extended klād- — kel 3, kelǝ , klā extended klād English meaning: to hit, cut down Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schlagen, hauen” Note: separation from kel “prick” and from skel “cut, clip” is barely durchfũhrbar; beachte esp. Slav. *kólti “prick” =… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bher-3 — bher 3 English meaning: to scrape, cut, etc. Deutsche Übersetzung: “with einem scharfen Werkzeug bearbeiten, ritzen, schneiden, reiben, spalten” Material: O.Ind. (gramm.) bhr̥nüti (?) “injures, hurts, disables” = Pers. burrad… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
skē̆ i- — skē̆ i English meaning: to cut, separate Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schneiden, trennen, scheiden” Note: extension from sek ; initial sound partly also sk̂ , skh , sk̂h , as in the continuing formation Material: I. O.Ind. chyati “… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
b(e)u-2, bh(e)ū̆- — b(e)u 2, bh(e)ū̆ English meaning: to swell, puff Deutsche Übersetzung: “aufblasen, schwellen” Note: Explosive sound of the inflated cheek, like pu , phu see d .; running beside primeval creation crosses the sound lawful… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
leu-2 (*leuĝh-) — leu 2 (*leuĝh ) English meaning: to cut off, separate, free Deutsche Übersetzung: “abschneiden, trennen, loslösen” Note: Root leu 2 (*leuĝh ): “to cut off, separate, free” : Root leuĝ (*leuĝh ): “to break” Note: also leu̯ǝ … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary