- lipping
- 1) отгибание кромок, краёв2) нащельник
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Lipping — Elmar Lipping (* 7. März 1906 in Riga; † 5. Januar 1994 in New York City) war ein estnischer Exilpolitiker. Zweiter Weltkrieg Elmar Lipping kämpfte während des Zweiten Weltkriegs als Hauptsturmführer im SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Regiment 45 (estn … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lipping — Lip Lip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lipped} (l[i^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lipping} ( p[i^]ng).] 1. To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss. [1913 Webster] The bubble on the wine which breaks Before you lip the glass. Praed. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lipping — The formation of a liplike structure, as at the articular end of a bone in osteoarthritis. * * * n. overgrowth of bone as seen in X rays near a joint margin. This is a characteristic sign of degenerative or inflammatory joint disease and occurs… … Medical dictionary
lipping — noun Date: 1894 1. outgrowth of bone in liplike form at a joint margin 2. a piece of wood set in an archer s bow where a flaw has been cut out 3. embouchure 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
lipping — lip·ping … English syllables
lipping — n. overgrowth of bone around a joint as seen on X ray. This is a characteristic sign of degenerative joint disease and occurs most frequently and prominently in osteoarthritis. See also: osteophyte … The new mediacal dictionary
lipping — /ˈlɪpɪŋ/ (say liping) noun a strip, usually wooden, fixed to the edge of a door, board, etc …
lipping — n.m. Mouvement des lèvres d un comédien … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
lipping — I. ˈlipiŋ noun ( s) Etymology: lip (I) + ing 1. : outgrowth of bone in liplike form at a joint margin (as in degenerative arthritis) 2. : a piece of wood set in an archer s bow where a flaw has been cut out … Useful english dictionary
Elmar Lipping — (* 22. Februarjul./ 7. März 1906greg. in Riga; † 5. Januar 1994 in New York City) war ein estnischer Exilpolitiker. Leben Elmar Lipping wurde in der livländischen Hauptstadt Riga als Sohn eines Offiziers der zaristischen Armee… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Elmar Lipping — (March 7, 1906 Riga – January 5, 1994 New York) was an Estonian statesman and soldier. He was Estonian foreign minister in exile from June 3, 1982 to June 20, 1990 … Wikipedia