- line of the least resistance
- линия наименьшего сопротивления
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
(the) line of least resistance — the line/path/of least resistance phrase the way of doing something that causes the fewest problems We took the path of least resistance and bought him the car he wanted. Thesaurus: ways of solving problemssynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
(the) path of least resistance — the line/path/of least resistance phrase the way of doing something that causes the fewest problems We took the path of least resistance and bought him the car he wanted. Thesaurus: ways of solving problemssynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
the\ line\ of\ least\ resistance — • (the) line of least resistance • (the) path of least resistance n. phr. the easiest way; the way that takes least effort. In becoming a doctor like his father John had really just followed the line of least resistance. Some parents take the… … Словарь американских идиом
the\ path\ of\ least\ resistance — • (the) line of least resistance • (the) path of least resistance n. phr. the easiest way; the way that takes least effort. In becoming a doctor like his father John had really just followed the line of least resistance. Some parents take the… … Словарь американских идиом
the line of least resistance — ► the line (or path) of least resistance the easiest course of action. Main Entry: ↑resistance … English terms dictionary
the path of least resistance — • line of least resistance • the path of least resistance the easiest (though probably not the best) way or course of action (same as to take the easy way out) … Idioms and examples
the path of least resistance — ► the line (or path) of least resistance the easiest course of action. Main Entry: ↑resistance … English terms dictionary
the line of least resistance — I see resistance II the line (or path) of least resistance an option avoiding difficulty or unpleasantness; the easiest course of action … Useful english dictionary
line of least resistance — or[path of least resistance] {n. phr.} The easiest way; the way that takes least effort. * /In becoming a doctor like his father John had really just followed the line of least resistance./ * /Some parents take the path of least resistance with… … Dictionary of American idioms
line of least resistance — or[path of least resistance] {n. phr.} The easiest way; the way that takes least effort. * /In becoming a doctor like his father John had really just followed the line of least resistance./ * /Some parents take the path of least resistance with… … Dictionary of American idioms
line\ of\ least\ resistance — • (the) line of least resistance • (the) path of least resistance n. phr. the easiest way; the way that takes least effort. In becoming a doctor like his father John had really just followed the line of least resistance. Some parents take the… … Словарь американских идиом