- calculation method
- метод расчёта; метод вычисления
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Cooling load temperature difference calculation method — Contents 1 CLTD/CLF/SCL Cooling Load Calculation Method 2 History 3 Application 4 Explanation of Variables … Wikipedia
Professor Kageyama's Maths Training: The Hundred Cell Calculation Method — PAL cover art Developer(s) … Wikipedia
Harmonised Calculation Method — (HCM) ist ein international abgestimmtes Verfahren, um die Feldstärke im Sendegebiet von Funkdiensten zu ermitteln. Die Einführung durch europäische Fernmeldeverwaltungen erfolgte durch die HCM Vereinbarung mit dem Ziel, das spezifizierte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Interest calculation method — The way in which interest is calculated … International financial encyclopaedia
Calculation of glass properties — [ refractive index. [ [http://glassproperties.com/refractive index/ Calculation of the Refractive Index of Glasses] ] ] The calculation of glass properties (glass modeling) is used to predict glass properties of interest or glass behavior under… … Wikipedia
Method of conditional probabilities — In mathematics and computer science, the probabilistic method is used to prove the existence of mathematical objects with desired combinatorial properties. The proofs are probabilistic they work by showing that a random object, chosen from some… … Wikipedia
Method of complements — Complement numbers on an adding machine c. 1910 In mathematics and computing, the method of complements is a technique used to subtract one number from another using only addition of positive numbers. This method was commonly used in mechanical… … Wikipedia
calculation — noun 1 act of calculating/sum calculated ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, correct, exact, precise ▪ an exact calculation of the amount spent so far ▪ Your calculations are correct. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a … Medical dictionary
Method of Four Russians — In computer science, the Method of Four Russians is a technique for speeding up algorithms involving Boolean matrices, or more generally algorithms involving matrices in which each cell may take on only a bounded number of possible values.… … Wikipedia
Method of variation of parameters — In mathematics, variation of parameters also known as variation of constants, is a general method to solve inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equations. It was developed by the Italian French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange.For first… … Wikipedia