- legman
- агент
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
legman — légman, légmani, s.m. (reg.) sublocotenent. Trimis de blaurb, 29.06.2006. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
legman — ☆ legman [leg′man΄ ] n. pl. legmen [leg′men΄] 1. a news reporter who gathers information at the scene of events or at various sources, usually transmitting it to an office or news room for editing 2. a person who runs errands or gathers… … English World dictionary
legman — noun Date: 1923 1. a reporter assigned usually to gather information 2. an assistant who performs various subordinate tasks (as gathering information or running errands) … New Collegiate Dictionary
legman — /leg man , meuhn/, n., pl. legmen / men , meuhn/. 1. a person employed to transact business outside an office, esp. on behalf of one whose responsibilities require his or her presence in the office. 2. Journalism. a reporter who gathers… … Universalium
legman — noun a) A reporter who travels to the scene of an event to interview witnesses etc. b) An office errand boy … Wiktionary
Legman — Репортёр газеты, собирающий материал … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
legman — leg·man || legmÉ™n n. pageboy, one who collects information for a newspaper … English contemporary dictionary
legman — noun (plural legmen) a person employed to run errands or to do other simple tasks … English new terms dictionary
legman — leg·man … English syllables
legman — leg•man [[t]ˈlɛgˌmæn, mən[/t]] n. pl. men [[t] ˌmɛn, mən[/t]] 1) a person employed as an assistant to gather information, run errands, etc 2) jou a reporter who gathers news firsthand • Etymology: 1920–25, amer … From formal English to slang
leğman — (Lənkəran) damdan axan yağış suyunun töküldüyü yer. – Əyaqqabılarım qalıb leğmanın qırağında isdanıb … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti