- layover
- стоянка в парке, длительная стоянка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
layover — UK US /ˈleɪəʊvər/ noun [C] (also stopover) ► TRANSPORT a short stay at a place in the middle of a trip, especially one by plane: »We had a three hour layover in San Francisco … Financial and business terms
layover — ☆ layover [lā′ō΄vər ] n. [< phr. LAYOVER (see LAY1)] a stopping for a while in some place during a journey … English World dictionary
layover — (n.) also lay over, a stop overnight, 1873, from LAY (Cf. lay) (v.) + OVER (Cf. over). Earlier as a cloth laid over a table cloth (1777) … Etymology dictionary
Layover — In transportation, a layover or lay over is some form of a break between trips of parts of a single trip [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/layover] . Depending on the mode of transportation, its meaning may vary] In mass transitA layover… … Wikipedia
layover — n. a layover between (a layover between planes) * * * [ leɪəʊvə] a layover between (a layover between planes) … Combinatory dictionary
layover — lay|o|ver [ leı,ouvər ] noun count AMERICAN a short stop in a long trip, especially one between airplane flights: layover at/in: We only have a 30 minute layover in Detroit before catching the flight home … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
layover — noun an overnight stop in travel (frequently confused with stopover) Im working three legs today and layover in Dallas before heading to Atlanta tomorrow … Wiktionary
layover mail — (See hash) … Glossary of postal terms
layover — {n.} A stopover, usually at an airport or in a hotel due to interrupted air travel. * /There were several layovers at O Hare last month due to bad weather./ … Dictionary of American idioms
layover — {n.} A stopover, usually at an airport or in a hotel due to interrupted air travel. * /There were several layovers at O Hare last month due to bad weather./ … Dictionary of American idioms
layover — noun Date: 1873 stopover … New Collegiate Dictionary