- landing platform
- лестничная площадка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Landing platform helicopter — Un Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH) est la désignation, selon la liste des codes des immatriculations des navires de l US Navy, pour un navire d assaut amphibie comprenant notamment les bâtiments de classe Iwo Jima de l US Navy. Retirés du… … Wikipédia en Français
Landing Platform Helicopter — Landing Platform, Helicopter (LPH) is the US Navy hull classification symbol for the amphibious assault ships of the Iwo Jima class and three converted Essex class aircraft carriers. No ships of this classification are currently in active service … Wikipedia
Landing Platform Dock — Enradiage d un chaland à bord du Ouragan au large du Gabon (2004) … Wikipédia en Français
Landing Platform Helicopter — Un Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH) est la désignation, selon la liste des codes des immatriculations des navires de l US Navy, pour un navire d assaut amphibie porte hélicoptères comprenant notamment les bâtiments de classe Iwo Jima de l US… … Wikipédia en Français
Landing Platform Dock — Dieses Rendering einer San Antonio mit geöffnetem Rumpf zeigt eine mögliche interne Zuladung Amphibious Transport Dock oder Landing Platform Dock (LPD) ist die Bezeichnung für einen Kriegsschifftyp, der die Amphibische Kriegsführung unterstützt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mobile Landing Platform — USNS Watkins (back) and heavy lift ship MV Mighty Servant 1 moored side by side off San Diego during a demonstration of the Mobile Landing Platform concept in 2005. Class overview … Wikipedia
Makassar class landing platform dock — Makassar class Class overview Name: Makassar Builders: Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (Daesun Shipya … Wikipedia
Endurance class landing platform dock ship — The Endurance class landing platform dock ships are the biggest class of ships in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN). They were designed and built locally by Singapore Technologies (ST) Marine to replace the old County class tank landing ships… … Wikipedia
Ouragan class landing platform dock — The Ouragan Class overview Builders: Brest arsenal (DCN) Operators … Wikipedia
Albion class landing platform dock — The Albion class is a class of landing platform dock, and are the newest amphibious assault vessels in the Royal Navy fleet. The class consists of two vessels, HMS|Albion|L14|6 and HMS|Bulwark|L15|6 and they were ordered in 1996 under a programme … Wikipedia
Enforcer (Landing Platform Dock) — The joint Spain/Netherlands Rotterdam/Galicia class of Landing Platform Dock naval vessels are called the Enforcer class for export.cite news url=http://www.sfu.ca/casr/mp sealift rotterdam.htm title=Sealift: Rotterdam/Galicia (Enforcer) Class… … Wikipedia