- land erosion
- эрозия почвы, размыв грунта
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Erosion — is the carrying away or displacement of solids (sediment, soil, rock and other particles) usually by the agents of currents such as, wind, water, or ice by downward or down slope movement in response to gravity or by living organisms (in the case … Wikipedia
Erosión — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Se denomina erosión al proceso de sustracción o desgaste de la roca del suelo intacto (roca madre), por acción de procesos geológicos exógenos como las corrientes superficiales de agua o hielo glaciar, el viento o la … Wikipedia Español
Land use — is also often used to refer to the distinct land use types in Zoning. Land use is the human modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements. The major effect of land use on land… … Wikipedia
Erosion control — is the practice of preventing or controlling wind or water erosion in agriculture, land development and construction. This usually involves the creation of some sort of physical barrier, such as vegetation or rock, to absorb some of the energy of … Wikipedia
Land pollution — is the degradation of earth s land surfaces often caused by human activities and their misuse of land resources. Haphazard disposal of urban and industrial wastes, exploitation of minerals, and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural… … Wikipedia
Land improvement — or land amelioration is making land more usable by humans. In terms of agriculture amelioration includes: *Hydrological improvement (drainage, irrigation, leaching of saline soils, landslide and flood control) *Soil improvement (fertilization,… … Wikipedia
Land-Art — Spiral Jetty de Robert Smithson, photographiée en avril 2005 Le Land Art est une tendance de l art contemporain, utilisant le cadre et les matériaux de la nature (bois, terre, pierres, sable, rocher, etc.). Le plus souvent, les œuvres sont à l… … Wikipédia en Français
Land-art — Spiral Jetty de Robert Smithson, photographiée en avril 2005 Le Land Art est une tendance de l art contemporain, utilisant le cadre et les matériaux de la nature (bois, terre, pierres, sable, rocher, etc.). Le plus souvent, les œuvres sont à l… … Wikipédia en Français
Land art — Spiral Jetty de Robert Smithson, photographiée en avril 2005 Le Land Art est une tendance de l art contemporain, utilisant le cadre et les matériaux de la nature (bois, terre, pierres, sable, rocher, etc.). Le plus souvent, les œuvres sont à l… … Wikipédia en Français
Land rehabilitation — is the process of returning the land in a given area to some degree of its former state, after some process (industry, natural disasters etc.) has resulted in its damage. Many projects and developments will result in the land becoming degraded,… … Wikipedia
Land use capability map — Land use capability maps are maps created to represent the potential uses of a unit of land. They are measured using various indicators, although the most common are five physical factors (rock type, , slope, erosion degree and type, and… … Wikipedia