- lady
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
lady — lady … Dictionnaire des rimes
lady — [ ledi ] n. f. • 1750; h. 1669; mot angl. « dame » 1 ♦ Titre donné aux femmes des lords et des chevaliers anglais. 2 ♦ Par ext. Dame anglaise. Une jeune lady. Des ladys ou des ladies. Femme élégante, distinguée. C est une vraie lady. ● lady,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lady — La dy (l[=a] d[y^]), n.; pl. {Ladies} (l[=a] d[i^]z). [OE. ladi, l[ae]fdi, AS. hl[=ae]fdige, hl[=ae]fdie; AS. hl[=a]f loaf + a root of uncertain origin, possibly akin to E. dairy. See {Loaf}, and cf. {Lord}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A woman who looks… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lady!! — Lady Обложка первого тома Lady!!, переиздание 2001 года レディ!! Жанр историческая драма, романтика, повседневность … Википедия
lady — lady, woman The division of usage between these two words is complex and is caught up in issues of social class. In George Meredith s Evan Harrington (1861), the heroine, Rose Jocelyn, is rhetorically asked, Would you rather be called a true… … Modern English usage
Lady G — (eigentlich: Janice Fyffe; * 7. Mai 1968 in Spanish Town, Jamaika)[1] ist eine jamaikanische Dancehall und Reggae Musikerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Karriere 2 Diskographie (Auswahl) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lady Wu — (? 202) was the wife of Sun Jian during the Three Kingdoms era of China. She had six children: five sons, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, Sun Lang and one daughter, Sun Shangxiang. Lady Wu lost her parents at a young age and was living with… … Wikipedia
Lady "O" — 37e album de la série Sammy Scénario Raoul Cauvin Dessin Jean Pol Coloriste Cerise Personnages principaux Sammy Day … Wikipédia en Français
lady — s.f. Titlu dat în Anglia soţiei unui lord sau a unui cavaler; p. ext. doamnă nobilă din Anglia. ♦ Epitet dat unei femei distinse, manierate. [pr.: lédi] – cuv. engl. Trimis de LauraGellner, 16.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 LADY s.f. (Anglicism) Doamnă … Dicționar Român
lady — ► NOUN (pl. ladies) 1) (in polite or formal use) a woman. 2) a woman of superior social position. 3) (Lady) a title used by peeresses, female relatives of peers, the wives and widows of knights, etc. 4) a courteous or genteel woman. 5) (the Lad … English terms dictionary
lady — [lād′ē] n. pl. ladies [ME lavedi < OE hlæfdige, lady, mistress < hlaf, LOAF1 + dige < dæge, (bread) kneader < IE base * dheig̑h : see DOUGH] 1. the mistress of a household: now obsolete except in the phrase the lady of the house 2. a… … English World dictionary