- isometric
- изометрический; перспективный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Isometric — I so*met ric, Isometrical I so*met ric*al, a. [Iso + Gr. me tron measure.] 1. Pertaining to, or characterized by, equality of measure. [1913 Webster] 2. (Crystallog.) Noting, or conforming to, that system of crystallization in which the three… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isometric — ISOMÉTRIC, Ă adj. v. izometric. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
isometric — 1840, lit. of the same measure, coined from Gk. isos equal + metron measure (see METER (Cf. meter) (n.2)). Originally a method of using perspective in drawing; the physiological sense relating to muscular action is from 1891, borrowed from Ger.… … Etymology dictionary
isometric — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having equal dimensions. 2) Physiology involving an increase in muscle tension without contraction. 3) (of perspective drawing) in which the three principal dimensions are represented by axes 120° apart. DERIVATIVES isometrically… … English terms dictionary
isometric — [ī΄sə met′rik] adj. [< Gr isometros < isos, equal + metron, measure (see METER1) + IC] 1. of, indicating, or having equality of measure 2. CUBIC (sense 3) 3. of or having to do with isometrics n … English World dictionary
Isometric — The term isometric comes from the Greek for having equal measurement .isometric may mean: * Isometric projection (or “isometric perspective”), a method for the visual representation of three dimensional objects in two dimensions; a form of… … Wikipedia
isometric — isometrically, adv. /uy seuh me trik/, adj. Also, isometrical. 1. of, pertaining to, or having equality of measure. 2. of or pertaining to isometric exercise. 3. Crystall. noting or pertaining to that system of crystallization that is… … Universalium
isometric — i•so•met•ric [[t]ˌaɪ səˈmɛ trɪk[/t]] adj. Also, i so•met′ri•cal. 1) math. of, pertaining to, or having equality of measure 2) cvb of or pertaining to isometric exercise 3) cry noting or pertaining to a system of crystallization that is… … From formal English to slang
isometric — 1. adjective /ˌaɪ.səʊˈmɛt.ɹɪk,ˌaɪ.soʊˈmɛt.ɹɪk,ˌaɪ.səˈmɛt.ɹɪk/ a) Of, or exhibiting equality in dimensions. Antonyms include tonic movements auxotonic and isotonic which are divided into concentric and eccentric. b) Of, or being a … Wiktionary
isometric — i|so|met|ric [ ,aısə metrık ] adjective 1. ) TECHNICAL equal in size or measurement 2. ) isometric exercises involve isometrics … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
isometric — UK [ˌaɪsəʊˈmetrɪk] / US [ˌaɪsəˈmetrɪk] adjective 1) formal equal in size or measurement 2) isometric exercises involve isometrics … English dictionary