- bylaws
- законодательные постановления местных властей (напр. в области строительства)- local bylaws and regulations
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
bylaws — index codification Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 bylaws n. The internal rules … Law dictionary
Bylaws — (engl., spr. bāīlaos; die Ableitung vom angelsächs. bye, »Ortschaft«, also »Ortsgesetz«, ist bestritten), in England Bezeichnung für Ausführungsverordnungen zu Gesetzen, dann für Ortsstatuten und Polizeiverordnungen, die sich auf eine einzelne… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bylaws — (engl., spr. beilahs), in England Lokalverordnungen von Gemeinden, Korporationen etc … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
bylaws — The formally adopted written rules that govern the conduct of a corporation, association, partnership or other organization. Bylaws normally are adopted by the shareholders of a profit making business or the board of directors of a nonprofit… … Business law dictionary
bylaws — Regulations, ordinances, rules or laws adopted by an association or corporation or the like for its internal governance. Bylaws define the rights and obligations of various officers, persons or groups within the corporate structure and provide… … Black's law dictionary
bylaws — Regulations, ordinances, rules or laws adopted by an association or corporation or the like for its internal governance. Bylaws define the rights and obligations of various officers, persons or groups within the corporate structure and provide… … Black's law dictionary
bylaws — Rules and practices that govern management of an organization. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Bylaws — By|laws [ bailɔ:z] die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. by laws> (veraltet) Verordnungen … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
bylaws — n. ordinance of a municipality or community (also byelaw) … English contemporary dictionary
Bylaws — ♦ Rules made by open field villagers governing cultivation and grazing. (Gies, Frances and Joseph. Life in a Medieval Village, 243) … Medieval glossary
bylaws — / baɪlɔ:z/ plural noun US rules governing the internal running of a corporation (the number of meetings, the appointment of officers, etc.) (NOTE: In the UK, these are called Articles of Association.) … Dictionary of banking and finance