integrated dispatching system

integrated dispatching system
объединённая диспетчерская система

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "integrated dispatching system" в других словарях:

  • Dispatching —   To schedule and control the generation and delivery of electric power.   ***   The operating control of an integrated electric system involving operations such as (1) the assignment of load to specific generating stations and other sources of… …   Energy terms

  • Automotive navigation system — A taxi equipped with GPS navigation device An automotive navigation system is a satellite navigation system designed for use in automobiles. It typically uses a GPS navigation device to acquire position data to locate the user on a road in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Incident Command System — The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized, on scene, all hazard incident management concept in the United States. It is a management protocol originally designed for emergency management agencies and later federalized. ICS is based upon …   Wikipedia

  • СИСТЕМА ДИСПЕТЧЕРСКАЯ ОБЪЕДИНЁННАЯ — [ОДС] система централизованного диспетчерского управления каким либо производством, транспортным предприятием или эксплуатацией инженерного оборудования (Болгарский язык; Български) обединена диспечерска система (Чешский язык; Čeština) ústřední… …   Строительный словарь

  • система диспетчерская объединенная — система диспетчерская объединённая Система централизованного диспетчерского управления каким либо производством, транспортным предприятием или эксплуатацией инженерного оборудования [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… …   Universalium

  • Windows Presentation Foundation — This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0 Developed by Microsoft, the Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF) is a computer software graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows based applications. WPF, previously known as… …   Wikipedia

  • rite of passage — 1. Anthropol. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person s change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan. 2. any important act or event that serves… …   Universalium

  • VoiceWeb — Infobox Company company name = VoiceWeb S.A. company company type = Privately Held foundation = 2001 company slogan = We give your company a voice location = Athens, Greece key people = Founders: Dr. Nikos Patsis and Dr. Damianos Hatziantoniou… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided dispatch — The CAD system of a fire department on a busy day. The line at the bottom is about to be dispatched. (Note:addresses have been changed for privacy reasons.) Computer assisted dispatch, also called Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), is a method of… …   Wikipedia

  • Intel iAPX 432 — Infobox Computer Hardware Cpu name = Intel iAPX 432 caption = produced start = 1981 produced end = slowest = 5 |slow unit = MHz fastest = 8 |fast unit = MHz fsb slowest = | fsb slow unit = fsb fastest = | fsb fast unit = manuf1 = Intel arch =… …   Wikipedia

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