- insulating material degradation
- деградация свойств изолирующего материала
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Building insulation materials — A selection of insulation materials can aid in building insulation. All of these are based on standard principles of thermal insulation. Materials used to reduce heat transfer by conduction, radiation or convection are employed in varying… … Wikipedia
Plastic — is the general common term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular weight, and may contain other substances to… … Wikipedia
Partial discharge — In electrical engineering, a partial discharge (PD) is a localised dielectric breakdown of a small portion of a solid or liquid electrical insulation system under high voltage stress. While a corona discharge is usually revealed by a relatively… … Wikipedia
Dielectric — A dielectric is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material, as in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their … Wikipedia
Lichtenberg figure — Lichtenberg figures (Lichtenberg Figuren, or Lichtenberg Dust Figures ) are branching electric discharges that sometimes appear on the surface or the interior of insulating materials. They are named after the German physicist Georg Christoph… … Wikipedia
hydrocarbon — hydrocarbonaceous, adj. /huy dreuh kahr beuhn, huy dreuh kahr /, n. any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon, as an alkane, methane, CH4, an alkene, ethylene, C2H4, an alkyne, acetylene, C2H2, or an aromatic compound,… … Universalium
Space Shuttle Columbia disaster — For further information about Columbia s mission and crew, see STS 107. STS 107 mission patch The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, when shortly before it was scheduled to conclude its 28th mission, STS 107, the Space… … Wikipedia
Cool roof — In the world of industrial and commercial buildings, a cool roof is a roofing system that can deliver high solar reflectance (the ability to reflect the visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of the sun, reducing heat transfer to the… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Isidor Sauers — (born 1948) is an Austrian born American who is a physicist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. He is a specialist on the properties of Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), with an important patent and over 60 peer reviewed academic papers.… … Wikipedia
трекинг — Последовательное образование токопроводящих мостиков, которые формируются на поверхности твердого электроизоляционного материала вследствие совместного действия электрического напряжения и наличия загрязнений на его поверхности. [ГОСТ Р 51330.20… … Справочник технического переводчика