instruction card

instruction card
1) карта рабочих операций
2) операционная карта
3) инструкция

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "instruction card" в других словарях:

  • instruction card — noun : job sheet …   Useful english dictionary

  • Safety Instruction Card — Safety Card der Concorde der Air France Eine Safety Instruction Card (kurz Safety Card) ist ein Dokument, welches den Passagieren an Bord eines Flugzeugs die Prozeduren im Falle eines Notfalls erklärt. Safety Cards findet man normalerweise auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Voting Instruction Card — The voting card sent to participants in an employee plan giving the trustee of the plan the authority to vote the shares as indicated on a proxy card. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • instruction — [ ɛ̃stryksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1319; lat. instructio I ♦ Action d instruire. 1 ♦ Vx ou littér. Action d apprendre ce qu il est utile ou indispensable de savoir. ⇒ apprentissage, édification, initiation. 2 ♦ Action d enrichir et de former l esprit (de la …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders — is a document published in November 2005 by the Congregation for Catholic Education, one of the top level offices of the Catholic Church. Contents 1 Commentary and implications 2 Reactions to the document …   Wikipedia

  • instruction — (in stru ksion ; en vers, de quatre syllabes) s. f. 1°   Action d instruire, de dresser à quelque chose. •   Adieu, fais lire au prince, en dépit de l envie, Pour son instruction l histoire de ta vie, CORN. Cid, I, 6. •   Un évêque [Bossuet] qui …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Instruction manual (video games) — An instruction manual, in the context of computer and video games, is a booklet that instructs the player on how to play the game, gives descriptions of the controls and their effects, and shows a general outline of the concepts and goals of the… …   Wikipedia

  • instruction — /In strVkSFn/ noun 1 instructions (plural) the printed information that tells you how to use a piece of equipment etc: We forgot to read the instructions. | follow the instructions: Follow the instructions on the back of the box. 2 (countable,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Safety Card — Eine Safety Instruction Card (kurz Safety Card) ist ein Dokument, welches den Passagieren an Bord eines Flugzeugs die Prozeduren im Falle eines Notfalls erklärt. Safety Cards findet man normalerweise auf allen kommerziellen Flügen. Sie befinden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kings (card game) — Not to be confused with King s Game. Kings Cards during a game of Kings Alternative name(s) King s Cup[1] Ring of Fire[2] …   Wikipedia

  • Java Card — est un environnement d exécution Java destiné aux applications pour Carte à puce. Cette technologie fournit un environnement sécurisé pour les applications qui fonctionnent sur ce support de capacité mémoire et de traitement limitées. De… …   Wikipédia en Français

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