buttering trowel

buttering trowel
кельма с круглой кромкой
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тупоносая кельма, тупоносый мастерок каменщика; небольшая кельма каменщика

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "buttering trowel" в других словарях:

  • Masonry trowel — Masons trowel The Masonry trowel is a hand trowel used in brickwork or stonework for leveling, spreading and shaping mortar or concrete. They come in several shapes and sizes depending on the task. The following is a list of the more common… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Canada's Worst Handyman 2 episodes — This is a list of episodes from Canada s Worst Handyman 2 , the second season of the Canadian television series that seeks to find the worst handyman in the country. Airdates listed are the first air dates on Discovery Channel Canada the date of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Canada's Worst Handyman episodes — This is a list of episodes for the first season of the Canadian television series Canada s Worst Handyman , where the worst contestant, as determined by 25 challenges over 12 days, is given the dubious title. Format Each of the first five… …   Wikipedia

  • mastic — Any heavy bodied adhesive of such a consistency that it must be applied by notched trowel, gob, or by buttering methods …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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