industrial gas

industrial gas
промышленный газ

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "industrial gas" в других словарях:

  • Industrial gas — is a group of gases that are commercially manufactured and for uses in other applications. These gases are mainly used in an industrial processes, such as steelmaking, medical applications, fertilizer, semiconductors, etc,. They may be both… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas turbine — Microturbine redirects here. For turbines in electricity, see Small wind turbine. For turbines driven by the flow of gas, see Turbine. A typical axial flow gas turbine turbojet, the J85, sectioned for display. Flow is left to right, multistage… …   Wikipedia

  • gas-turbine engine — Introduction       any internal combustion engine employing a gas as the working fluid used to turn a turbine. The term also is conventionally used to describe a complete internal combustion engine consisting of at least a compressor, a… …   Universalium

  • Gas cylinder — For the mechanical devices used to impart a force from a pressurized liquid or gas, see pneumatic cylinder. For the large structures used to store town gas, see gas holder. Industrial compressed gas cylinders used for oxy fuel welding and cutting …   Wikipedia

  • Gas — (Palabra inventada por el químico flamenco Van Helmont.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 FÍSICA Estado de la materia caracterizado por no tener forma ni volumen propios y cuyas moléculas tienden a separarse unas de otras. 2 QUÍMICA Mezcla de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gas explosion — A Gas explosion is the result of a gas leak in the presence of an ignition source. The principal explosive gases are natural gas, methane, propane and butane, because they are widely used for heating purposes. However, many other gases like… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas turbine-electric locomotive — DescriptionIn a GTEL a turbine engine, similar to a turboshaft engine, drives an output shaft that is in turn attached to an electrical generator via a system of gears. This in turn powers the traction motors. In overall terms the system is very… …   Wikipedia

  • gas — {{#}}{{LM G18774}}{{〓}} {{SynG19260}} {{[}}gas{{]}} {{◆}}(pl. gases){{◇}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} Fluido que tiende a expandirse indefinidamente y que se caracteriza por su baja densidad: • El aire es un gas.{{○}} {{<}}2{{>}} Combustible en… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • Gas Works Park — in Seattle, Washington is a 19.1 acre (77,000 m²) public park on the site of the former Seattle Gas Light Company gasification plant, located on the north shore of Lake Union at the south end of the Wallingford neighborhood. Gas Works park… …   Wikipedia

  • Industrial fans — and blowers are valuable tools for moving air and materials required in a wide variety of manufacturing processes and industries, including cement, power, mining, coal treatment, pollution control, oil and gas, ethanol and steel. Ranging in size… …   Wikipedia

  • Industrial control systems — Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that encompasses several types of control systems, including supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system… …   Wikipedia

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