- in want of repair
- требующий ремонта
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
want of repair — As to highways, anything in the state or condition of the highway which renders it unsafe or inconvenient for ordinary travel. Adams v. Town of Bolton, Mass., 297 Mass. 459, 9 N.E.2d 562, 565 … Black's law dictionary
want of repair of way — A defective condition relating to inert objects or structural imperfections; not inclusive of the negligent or unlawful use of a way by a moving object, or the negligent operation of a stationary instrumentality. 25 Am J1st High § 360 … Ballentine's law dictionary
want — want1 W1S1 [wɔnt US wo:nt, wa:nt] v [not usually in progressive] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(desire)¦ 2¦(need)¦ 3¦(offer)¦ 4¦(should)¦ 5 what do you want? 6¦(ask for somebody)¦ 7¦(lack)¦ 8 if you want 9 who wants ...? … Dictionary of contemporary English
want — 1 verb (not usually in progressive) 1 DESIRE (T) to have a desire for something: I want a drink. | What do you want for your birthday? | want to do sth: Do you want to go to Kay s party? | want sb to do sth: I don t want Linda to hear about this … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
repair — see a woman and a ship ever want mending … Proverbs new dictionary
a woman and a ship ever want mending — Cf. PLAUTUS Poenulus II. 210–15 negoti sibi qui volet vim parare, navem et mulierem, haec duo comparato... Neque umquam satis hae duae res ornantur, neque is ulla ornandi satis satietas est, whoever wants to acquire a lot of trouble should get… … Proverbs new dictionary
Kinsol Trestle — The Kinsol Trestle, also known as the Koksilah River Trestle, is a wooden railway trestle located on Vancouver Island north of Shawnigan Lake in the Canadian province of British Columbia.Completed in 1920, its dimensions measure 38m (125 ft) high … Wikipedia
Cavaedium — Cavaedium, in architecture, is the Latin name for the central hall or court within a Roman house, of which five species are described by Vitruvius. # The Tuscanicum responds to the greater number apparently of those at Pompeii, in which the… … Wikipedia
Jewish Released Time — Jewish Released Time, also known as Sheloh (an abbreviation for Shi urei Limud Hados (Classes for Learning the Religion)), is an organization promoting released time for the Jewish education of Jewish children learning in public schools.HistoryIn … Wikipedia
Released time — is a concept used in the United States public school system wherein pupils enrolled in the public schools are permitted by law to receive religious instruction. The principle is based on the constitutional right of parents to direct the religious … Wikipedia
Smuggler (comics) — For Conrad s brother, who previously used the Smuggler name, see Erik Josten. Smuggler Smuggler explains his hatred for the Thunderbolts. Art by Mark Bagley Publication info … Wikipedia