Смотреть что такое "illness" в других словарях:
Illness — (sometimes referred to as ill health or ail) can be defined as a state of poor health. It is sometimes considered a synonym for disease. [DorlandsDict|four/000052397|illness] Others maintain that fine distinctions exist.cite journal |author=Emson … Wikipedia
Illness — Ill ness, n. [From {Ill}.] 1. The condition of being ill, evil, or bad; badness; unfavorableness. [Obs.] The illness of the weather. Locke. [1913 Webster] 2. Disease; indisposition; malady; disorder of health; sickness; as, a short or a severe… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
illness — I noun affliction, ailing, ailment, complaint, defect, disability, disease, disorder, infirmity, malady, prostration, sickness associated concepts: mental illness, terminal illness, Unemployment Compensation, Workers Compensation Law II index … Law dictionary
illness — (n.) disease, sickness, 1680s, from ILL (Cf. ill) + NESS (Cf. ness). Earlier it meant bad moral quality (c.1500) … Etymology dictionary
illness — [n] disease; bad health affliction, ailing, ailment, attack, breakdown, bug*, collapse, complaint, confinement, convalescence, disability, diseasedness, disorder, disturbance, dose, failing health, fit, flu, ill health, indisposition, infirmity,… … New thesaurus
illness — ► NOUN ▪ a disease or period of sickness … English terms dictionary
illness — [il′nis] n. 1. the condition of being ill, or in poor health; sickness; disease 2. Obs. wickedness … English World dictionary
illness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deadly, fatal, incurable, terminal ▪ catastrophic (AmE, law), critical, dangerous, debilitating, devastating … Collocations dictionary
illness — ill|ness W3S2 [ˈılnıs] n [U and C] a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill ▪ She had all the normal childhood illnesses . ▪ I d been told I d been suffering from various illnesses . ▪ Her mother was just recovering from an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
illness */*/*/ — UK [ˈɪlnəs] / US noun Word forms illness : singular illness plural illnesses Other ways of saying illness: disease a serious illness that usually lasts a long time, often one that affects a particular part of the body: tropical diseases ♦ She has … English dictionary
illness*/*/*/ — [ˈɪlnəs] noun 1) [U] the state of feeling ill or having a disease He missed five days of school because of illness.[/ex] 2) [C] a particular disease, or a period of being ill a serious illness[/ex] • Other ways of saying illness ■ bug (informal)… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English