- hydrous silicate
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Silicate — Sil i*cate, n.[Cf. F. silicate.] (Chem.) A salt of silicic acid. [1913 Webster] Note: In mineralogical chemistry the silicates include; the unisilicates or orthosilicates, salts of orthosilicic acid; the bisilicates or metasilicates, salts of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amphibole — /am feuh bohl /, n. Mineral. any of a complex group of hydrous silicate minerals, containing chiefly calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and aluminum, and including hornblende, tremolite, asbestos, etc., occurring as important constituents of many… … Universalium
carpholite — ˈkärfəˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: German karpholith, from Greek karphos dry stalk + German lith lite : a fibrous mineral MnAl2Si2O6(OH)4 consisting of a hydrous aluminum manganese silicate and occurring in straw yellow tufts (sp. gr. 2.93) * * *… … Useful english dictionary
catapleiite — ˌkad.əˈplīˌīt noun ( s) Etymology: German katapleiit, from Greek kata in the region of, down + pleiōn more + it ite; from its occurence together with other rare minerals more at cata , pleonasm … Useful english dictionary
stilpnomelane — ˌstilpnōˈmeˌlān noun ( s) Etymology: German stilpnomelan, from Greek stilpnos glistening + melan , melas black more at : stilbum, mullet : a black or greenish black mineral K(Fe,Al)10Si12O30(O,OH)12 (?) occurring in foliated plates, fibrous forms … Useful english dictionary
vesuvianite — /veuh sooh vee euh nuyt /, n. a mineral, chiefly a hydrous silicate of calcium and aluminum, commonly in tetragonal crystals and usually of a brown to green color; idocrase. [1885 90; VESUVIAN + ITE1] * * * ▪ mineral also called idocrase … … Universalium
endellite — ˈendəˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: from Kurd Endell died 1946 German ceramic engineer + English ite : a clay mineral consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminum with varying amounts of water and being more hydrous than halloysite … Useful english dictionary
Calamine — Cal a*mine (k[a^]l [.a]*m[imac]n or m[i^]n), n. [F. calamine, LL. calamina, fr. L. Cadmia. See {Cadmia}.] (min.) A mineral, the hydrous silicate of zinc. [1913 Webster] Note: The name was formerly applied to both the carbonate and silicate of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
glauconite — glauconitic /glaw keuh nit ik/, adj. /glaw keuh nuyt /, n. a greenish micaceous mineral consisting essentially of a hydrous silicate of potassium, aluminum, and iron and occurring in greensand, clays, etc. [1830 40; < Gk glaukón, neut. of glaukós … Universalium
natrolite — /na treuh luyt , nay /, n. a white or colorless zeolite mineral, a hydrous silicate of sodium and aluminum, Na2Al2Si3O10·2H2O, often occurring in acicular crystals. [1795 1805; NATRO(N) + LITE] * * * ▪ mineral hydrated sodium… … Universalium
hydrosilicate — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at hydro + noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hydr + silicate : a hydrous silicate … Useful english dictionary