hydraulic efficiency

hydraulic efficiency
гидравлический коэффициент полезного действия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "hydraulic efficiency" в других словарях:

  • Hydraulic pump — A Hydraulic is used in hydraulic drive systems.Hydraulic pumps can be hydrostatic or hydrodynamic.Hydrostatic pumps are positive displacement pumps.Hydrostatic pumps can be fixed displacement pumps, in which the displacement (flow through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic machinery — are machines and tools which use fluid power to do work. Heavy equipment is a common example.In this type of machine, high pressure hydraulic fluid is transmitted throughout the machine to various hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic ram — A hydraulic ram is a cyclic water pump powered by hydropower. It functions as a hydraulic transformer that takes in water at one hydraulic head and flow rate, and outputs water at a different hydraulic head and flow rate. The device utilizes a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic drive system — A hydraulic or hydrostatic drive system or hydraulic power transmission is a drive or transmission system that makes use of a hydraulic fluid under pressure to drive machinery.Such a system basically consists of: *Generator part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic bicycle — A hydraulic bicycle is a chainless bicycle that transfers power to the pedals by means of a liquid passing through tubes from hydraulic pump to hydraulic motor and back.Advantages include:* Shifting, through valves and displacement, provides… …   Wikipedia

  • hydraulic radius —   stream efficiency measured by dividing cross sectional area of a stream by the wetted perimeter. A higher ratio indicates greater efficiency as area will be greater compared to wetted perimeter and it is the latter which reduces efficiency… …   Geography glossary

  • channel efficiency —   the ability of the channel to conserve energy that may otherwise be lost to friction. Measured by hydraulic radius …   Geography glossary

  • Water wheel — This article is about the machine for converting energy of flowing or falling water. For paddle wheels used to propel watercraft, see paddle wheel ship. For wheels used solely to lift water, see Noria. For factories or industries driven by water… …   Wikipedia

  • Brake fluid — is a type of hydraulic fluid used in hydraulic brake applications in motorcycles, automobiles, light trucks, and some advanced bicycles. It is used to transfer force under pressure from where it is created through hydraulic lines to the braking… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas linepipe — is a part of a gas trunkline, which unites gas compressor stations into a single gas transmission system to deliver gas from gas fields to gas consumers. A gas linepipe comprises a pipeline itself with branch lines, loops, shunts, control valves …   Glossary of Oil and Gas

  • REICHENBACH — GERMANY (see also List of Individuals) 24.8.1771 Durlach/D 21.5.1826 Augsburg/D Georg Friedrich von Reichenbach had the chance to visit England at age 20. When returning to Germany he had seen the steam machines of Watt and precise… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

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