bulkhead structure

bulkhead structure
водонепроницаемая перемычка (в подземных сооружениях); перегораживающее сооружение

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bulkhead structure" в других словарях:

  • Bulkhead — Bulk head , n. [See {Bulk} part of a building.] 1. (Naut.) A partition in a vessel, to separate apartments on the same deck. [1913 Webster] 2. A structure of wood or stone, to resist the pressure of earth or water; a partition wall or structure,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulkhead — [bulk′hed΄] n. [ BULK2 + HEAD] 1. any of the upright partitions separating parts of a ship, airplane, etc. as for protection against fire or leakage 2. a wall or embankment for holding back earth, fire, water, etc. ☆ 3. a boxlike structure built… …   English World dictionary

  • bulkhead — bulkheaded, adj. /bulk hed /, n. 1. Naut. any of various wall like constructions inside a vessel, as for forming watertight compartments, subdividing space, or strengthening the structure. 2. Aeron. a transverse partition or reinforcing frame in… …   Universalium

  • bulkhead — bulk•head [[t]ˈbʌlkˌhɛd[/t]] n. 1) naut. navig. a wall like construction inside a ship or airplane, as for forming watertight compartments or strengthening the structure 2) civ a partition built in a subterranean passage to prevent the passage of …   From formal English to slang

  • bulkhead — noun Etymology: bulk (structure projecting from a building) + head Date: 15th century 1. an upright partition separating compartments 2. a structure or partition to resist pressure or to shut off water, fire, or gas 3. a retaining wall along a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bulkhead — bulk|head [ˈbʌlkhed] n [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: bulk part that sticks out from a building (15 19 centuries) (perhaps from Old Norse balkr partition ) + head] a wall which divides the structure of a ship or aircraft into separate parts …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bulkhead — i. A fireproof barrier separating the engine into various temperature zones. The cool zone houses the fuel, oil, hydraulic, and electrical components, along with their associated systems. The zones may be maintained at different pressures to… …   Aviation dictionary

  • bulkhead — noun (C) a wall which divides the structure of a ship or aircraft into separate parts …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • bulkhead — /ˈbʌlkhɛd / (say bulkhed) noun 1. a. Nautical one of the upright partitions dividing a ship into compartments. b. a similar partition in an aircraft, vehicle, etc. c. a similar partition in a storage building on land. 2. a partition built to… …  

  • steering support structure — The mounting locations and reinforcements for ataching the steering box to the bulkhead or side member …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Shell plating — is the outer most structure on the hull of a steel or aluminum ship or boat. It is the structural element that renders the hull watertight. Strakes A strake is the name given to each line of planking in a wooden vessel. [Kemp, The Oxford… …   Wikipedia

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