Смотреть что такое "highness" в других словарях:
Highness — Highness, often used with a personal possessive pronoun (His/Her/Your/Their Highness(es), the first two abbreviated HH) is an attribute referring to the rank of the dynasty (such as Royal Highness , Imperial Highness ) in an address. It is… … Wikipedia
Highness — [ haɪnɪs; englisch »Hoheit«], Titel, der bis Heinrich VIII. dem englischen König vorbehalten war (in der Anrede »Your Highness«). Royal Highness [ rɔɪəl ; englisch »Königliche Hoheit«], heute Titel der britischen königlichen Prinzen und… … Universal-Lexikon
Highness — High ness, n. [AS. he[ a]hnes.] 1. The state of being high; elevation; loftiness. [1913 Webster] 2. A title of honor given to kings, princes, or other persons of rank; as, His Royal Highness. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
highness — O.E. heanes; see HIGH (Cf. high) (adj.) + NESS (Cf. ness). Meaning royalty, excellence, nobility is early 13c.; Your Highness as a form of address to English royalty is attested from c.1400 … Etymology dictionary
highness — ► NOUN 1) (His, Your, etc. Highness) a title given to a person of royal rank, or used in addressing them. 2) the state of being high … English terms dictionary
Highness — (engl., spr. haineß, »Hoheit«), bis zu Heinrich VIII. Anrede an den König von England (Your H.), an Stelle der jetzigen: Your Majesty. Dagegen ist Royal H. (Königliche Hoheit) auch jetzt noch der Titel der königlichen Prinzen und Prinzessinnen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
highness — index elevation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
highness — [hī′nis] n. 1. the quality or state of being high; height; loftiness 2. [H ] highest of the nobility: a title used in speaking to or of a member of a royal family and preceded by Your or by His or Her … English World dictionary
Highness — Synonyms and related words: Eminence, Grace, Her Excellency, Her Highness, Her Ladyship, Her Majesty, His Lordship, His Majesty, Honor, Imperial Highness, Imperial Majesty, Lady, Ladyship, Lord, Lordship, Majesty, My Lady, My Lord, Reverence,… … Moby Thesaurus
Highness — [[t]ha͟ɪnɪs[/t]] Highnesses N VOC: poss N; PRON: poss PRON (politeness) Expressions such as Your Highness or His Highness are used to address or refer to a member of the royal family other than a king or queen. That would be best, Your Highness … English dictionary
Highness — n. 1 the state of being high (highness of taxation) (cf. HEIGHT). 2 (Highness) a title used in addressing and referring to a prince or princess (Her Highness; Your Royal Highness). Etymology: OE heanes (as HIGH) … Useful english dictionary