- bulk of building
- кубатура здания* * *объём здания (общий)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Building insulation — refers broadly to any object in a building used as insulation for any purpose. Whilst the majority of insulation in buildings is for thermal purposes, the term also applies to acoustic insulation, fire insulation, and impact insulation. Often an… … Wikipedia
Building 470 — Building 470, called the “Pilot Plant” or sometimes “Anthrax Tower”, was a notorious seven story steel and brick building at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, USA, used in the small scale production of biological warfare (BW) agents. The… … Wikipedia
Bulk — Bulk, n. [Icel. b[=a]lkr a beam, partition. Cf. {Balk}, n. & v.] A projecting part of a building. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Here, stand behind this bulk. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Building cooperative — Building co operatives are co operative housing corporations where individuals or families work together to directly construct their own homes in a cooperative fashion. Members of this type of co operative purchase building materials in bulk and… … Wikipedia
Building insulation materials — A selection of insulation materials can aid in building insulation. All of these are based on standard principles of thermal insulation. Materials used to reduce heat transfer by conduction, radiation or convection are employed in varying… … Wikipedia
Bulk carrier — The Sabrina I is a modern Handymax bulk carrier. Class overview Name: Freighter Subclasses … Wikipedia
Bulk tank — In dairy farming a bulk milk cooling tank is a large storage tank for cooling and holding milk at a cold temperature until it can be picked up by a milk hauler. The bulk milk cooling tank is an important piece of dairy farm equipment. It is… … Wikipedia
bulk — bulk1 [bʌlk] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Old Norse; Origin: bulki goods carried on a ship ] 1.) the bulk (of sth) the main or largest part of something ▪ The bulk of consumers are based in towns. 2.) [C usually singular] a big mass or shape of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
bulk — bulk1 /bulk/, n. 1. magnitude in three dimensions: a ship of great bulk. 2. the greater part; main mass or body: The bulk of the debt was paid. 3. goods or cargo not in packages or boxes, usually transported in large volume, as grain, coal, or… … Universalium
bulk — /bʌlk / (say bulk) noun 1. magnitude in three dimensions: a ship of great bulk. 2. the greater part; the main mass or body: the bulk of a debt. 3. goods or cargo not in packages, boxes, bags, etc. 4. the thickness of a printed work or paper… …
bulk — I [[t]bʌlk[/t]] n. 1) magnitude in three dimensions, esp. when great 2) the greater part; main mass or body: The bulk of the debt was paid[/ex] 3) trs goods or cargo not in packages or boxes, usu. transported in large volume, as grain, coal, or… … From formal English to slang