heavy oil

heavy oil
тяжёлое вязкое масло

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "heavy oil" в других словарях:

  • Heavy oil — may refer to:*Fuel oil that contains residual oil left over from distillation. *Heavy crude oil, viscous crude oil. *Coal tar creosote, a wood preservative and waterproofing agent.Please join our discussion group on HEAVY OIL at:… …   Wikipedia

  • heavy oil — mazutas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Skystasis katilų kuras. atitikmenys: angl. fuel oil; heavy liquid residence; heavy oil; heavyfuel oil; masut; mazout; residuum fuel oil; tresidual fuel oil rus. мазут …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • heavy oil — sunkioji alyva statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Akmens anglių deguto frakcija, verdanti 230–330 °C temperatūroje. atitikmenys: angl. heavy oil rus. тяжелое масло …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Heavy oil of wine — Oil Oil (oil), n. [OE. oile, OF. oile, F. huile, fr. L. oleum; akin to Gr. ?. Cf. {Olive}.] Any one of a great variety of unctuous combustible substances, more viscous than and not miscible with water; as, olive oil, whale oil, rock oil, etc.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heavy oil and tar sand — Introduction       crude oils (crude oil) below 20° API gravity are usually considered to be heavy. The lighter conventional crudes are often waterflooded to enhance recovery. The injection of water into the reservoir helps to maintain reservoir… …   Universalium

  • heavy oil of wine — Ethereal E*the re*al, a. 1. Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or beyond the atmosphere; celestial; as, ethereal space; ethereal regions. [1913 Webster] Go, heavenly guest, ethereal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heavy oil — noun : an oil of high specific gravity; specifically : a high boiling distillate from tar …   Useful english dictionary

  • heavy oil of wine — a heavy yellow oily liquid obtained in the distillation of alcohol and sulfuric acid in making ether …   Useful english dictionary

  • heavy oil — noun any of the relatively dense hydrocarbons (denser than water) derived from petroleum, coal tar, and similar materials …   English new terms dictionary

  • History of the petroleum industry in Canada (oil sands and heavy oil) — Canada s oil sands and heavy oil resources are among the world s great petroleum deposits. They include the vast oil sands of northern Alberta, and the heavy oil reservoirs that surround the small city of Lloydminster, which sits on the border… …   Wikipedia

  • Cold heavy oil production with sand — (CHOPS) is a technique for extracting difficult heavy crude oil where sand is used as a means enhancing the productivity of the oil well. CHOPS is now used as a quasi primary production approach in unconsolidated sandstones. Thousands of wells in …   Wikipedia

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