heat sterilization

heat sterilization
тепловая стерилизация

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "heat sterilization" в других словарях:

  • Dry heat sterilization — See also: Sterilization (microbiology) Dry heat sterilization of an article is one of the earliest forms of sterilization practiced. Dry heat, as the name indicates, utilizes hot air that is either free from water vapour, or has very little of it …   Wikipedia

  • Sterilization (microbiology) — Sterilization (or sterilisation, see spelling differences) refers to any process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from a surface, equipment, article of food or… …   Wikipedia

  • Moist heat sterilization — See also: Sterilization (microbiology) Heating an article is one of the earliest forms of sterilization practiced. Moist heat, as the name indicates, utilizes hot air that is heavily laden with water vapour and where this moisture plays the most… …   Wikipedia

  • sterilization — noun a) The process of treating something to kill microorganisms. Heat sterilization is used during canning so the food can be safely stored for long periods. b) A procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing. Spaying a cat is a… …   Wiktionary

  • Sterilization (surgical procedure) — Infobox Birth control name = Surgical Sterilization width = caption = bc type = Sterilization date first use = Ancient rate type = Failure perfect failure% = under 1 typical failure% = under 1 duration effect = reversibility = Vasectomy reversal… …   Wikipedia

  • Heat Torch — A heat torch is a tool or device that is used to heat up a substance quickly, whether it is air, metal, plastic, or other materials. Heat Torches typically provide a way to quickly heat a concentrated area of material for uses such as molding,… …   Wikipedia

  • sterilization — 1. The act or process by which an individual is rendered incapable of fertilization or reproduction, as by vasectomy, partial salpingectomy, or castration. 2. The destruction of all microorganisms in or about an object, as by steam (flowing or… …   Medical dictionary

  • sterilization — n. 1) a surgical operation or any other process that induces sterility in men or women. In women, hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (surgical removal of both ovaries) are 100% effective and permanent. Alternatively, the Fallopian tubes may… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • sterilization — The process by which an article is rendered free from disease germs, such as the disinfection of secondhand goods to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. 47 Am J1st Sec H D § 5. Ridding clothing and other articles, particularly milk bottles …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • sterilization — noun 1. the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce) • Syn: ↑sterilisation • Derivationally related forms: ↑sterilise (for: ↑sterilisation), ↑sterilize • Hypernyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • Concentric tube heat exchanger — Concentric Tube (or Pipe) Heat Exchangers are used in a variety of industries for purposes such as material processing, food preparation and air conditioning.[1] They create a temperature driving force by passing fluid streams of different… …   Wikipedia

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