- heart wood rot
- сердцевинная гниль
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Heart rot — is a fungal disease affecting trees, root crops, and celery. In trees, it is caused by broken bark exposing the underlying wood to the fungus, and typically manifests as a conk or mushroom at the site of infection. In root crops, it is usually… … Wikipedia
Wood fuel — is wood used as fuel. The burning of wood is currently the largest use of energy derived from a solid fuel biomass. Wood fuel can be used for cooking and heating, and occasionally for fueling steam engines and steam turbines that generate… … Wikipedia
Wood — Wooden redirects here. For other uses, see Wooden (disambiguation). Heartwood redirects here. For other uses, see Heartwood (disambiguation). This article is about the substance. For small forests, see woodland. For wood as a commodity, see… … Wikipedia
dry rot — 1. Plant Pathol. a. a decay of seasoned timber, resulting in its becoming brittle and crumbling to a dry powder, caused by various fungi. b. any of various diseases of plants in which the rotted tissues are dry. 2. any concealed or unsuspected… … Universalium
red rot — noun 1. : a common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) 2. a. : either of two diseases of sugarcane: (1) : a destructive disease caused by a fungus (Physalospora tucumanensis) characterized by red patches within the canes and found also on sorgo (2) … Useful english dictionary
red heart — noun : incipient decay in lumber indicated by a dark red discoloration not found in sound wood; specifically : red rot 2b * * * a treelike Californian shrub, Ceanothus spinosus, of the buckthorn family, having pale blue or white flowers. [1825… … Useful english dictionary
fungus — fungic /fun jik/, adj. funguslike, adj. /fung geuhs/, n., pl. fungi /fun juy, fung guy/, funguses, adj. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic… … Universalium
Phellinus weirii — Taxobox name = Phellinus weirii regnum = Fungi phylum = Basidiomycota classis = Basidiomycetes subclassis = Incertae sedis ordo = Hymenochaetales familia = Hymenochaetaceae genus = Phellinus species = P. weirii binomial = Phellinus weirii… … Wikipedia
Shake (shingle) — A shake is a wooden shingle that is made from split logs. When these are used for covering the top of a house, the result is a shake roof.Wood selectionIn North America shakes are typically made from Western Redcedar ( Thuja plicata ), while in… … Wikipedia
ГНИЛЬ ДРЕВЕСИНЫ ФИСТАШКИ — англ.heart rot of pistache; sapwood rot of pistache; wood rot of pistache нем.Holzfäule, Pistazie; Stammfäule, Pistazie франц.pourridié du tronc du pistachier; pourriture du bois du pistachier возбудитель:Fomes rimosus Fr.; Fomes… … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник
ГНИЛЬ ДРЕВЕСИНЫ МАНГО; ТРУТОВИК НА МАНГО — англ.heart rot of mango; wood rot of mango нем.Holzfäule, Mangobaum франц.pourriture du bois du manguier возбудитель:Fomes annularis (Fr.) Lloyd.; Fomes lignosus (Klotz.) Bres.; Polyporus gilvus (Schw.) Fr.; Polyporus zonalis Berk.;… … Фитопатологический словарь-справочник