- gutter trench
- противопожарная канава (в горных лесах)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
gutter — [n] ditch channel, conduit, culvert, dike, drain, duct, eaves, fosse, funnel, gully, moat, pipe, runnel, sewer, sluice, spout, sulcation, trench, trough, tube, watercourse; concept 440 … New thesaurus
trench — [n] ditch, channel dug in earth arroyo, canal, cut, depression, dike, drain, drill, dugout, earthwork, entrenchment, excavation, fosse, foxhole, furrow, gorge, gulch, gully, gutter, hollow, main, moat, pit, rut, sink, trough, tube, waterway;… … New thesaurus
trench — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ditch, fosse, dugout; furrow. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ditch, rut, hollow, gully, depression, gutter, tube, furrow, drainage canal, creek, moat, dike (British), drain, channel, main, gorge, gulch,… … English dictionary for students
trench — Synonyms and related words: Bassalia, abri, abysm, abyss, abyssal zone, adit, air raid shelter, approach, approach trench, aqueduct, arroyo, barge in, bathyal zone, benthos, bomb shelter, bombproof, bore, bottom, bottom glade, bottom waters,… … Moby Thesaurus
gutter — noun gutters clogged with leaves Syn: drain, sluice, sluiceway, culvert, spillway, sewer; channel, conduit, pipe; rain gutter; trough, trench, ditch, furrow, cut … Thesaurus of popular words
gutter — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. curb, ditch, spillway, trough. See furrow. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A ditch] Syn. canal, runnel, gully, sewer, watercourse, channel, dike, drain, moat, fosse, trough; see also trench 1 . 2. [A drain for … English dictionary for students
trench — n 1. excavation, cut, ditch, furrow, ridge, sulcation; fosse, moat, dike; passage, duct, course, conduit, adit; sewer, trough, gutter, channel, canal, groove, Brit. kennel, watercourse. 2. fortification, defense, shelter, abri, outwork, hole;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
gutter — Synonyms and related words: aqueduct, beat, beneath one, bicker, broad, canal, canalization, channel, cheap, chute, cloaca, cloaca maxima, coarse, crimp, cut, dance, debasing, degrading, demeaning, deplorable, dike, disgraceful, ditch, drain,… … Moby Thesaurus
trench — I. v. a. 1. Cut, carve. 2. Furrow, intrench. 3. Ditch, dig into ditches, channel. 4. Intrench, fortify with a ditch and parapet. II. v. n. Encroach, intrude, infringe, trespass, intrench. III. n. Ditch, fosse, moat, drain, sewer, water … New dictionary of synonyms
gutter — n drain, sewer, cloaca, culvert, conduit; duct, O v. Eng. aqueduct, watercourse, canal, channel, flume; trough, eaves trough, open tube, trench, ditch, Brit. sough; shoot, hole, furrow, groove, race, rut, chase; spout, gargoyle, watersprout,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
gutter — noun Syn: drain, trough, trench, ditch, sluice, sewer, channel, conduit, pipe … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary