grooved pulley

grooved pulley
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "grooved pulley" в других словарях:

  • Pulley — Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the change of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pulley block — Pulley Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pulley stile — Pulley Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pulley — ► NOUN (pl. pulleys) ▪ a wheel with a grooved rim around which a rope, chain, or belt passes, used to raise heavy weights. ORIGIN Old French polie, probably ultimately from Greek polos pivot, axis …   English terms dictionary

  • pulley — [pool′ē] n. pl. pulleys [ME poley < OFr polie < ML poleia < poledia < MGr * polidion, dim. of polos, pivot, windlass, axis: see WHEEL] 1. a small fixed wheel, sometimes turning in a block, with a grooved rim in which a rope or chain… …   English World dictionary

  • pulley — pulleyless, adj. /pool ee/, n., pl. pulleys. 1. a wheel, with a grooved rim for carrying a line, that turns in a frame or block and serves to change the direction of or to transmit force, as when one end of the line is pulled to raise a weight at …   Universalium

  • pulley — [1] A grooved wheel carrying a string, rope, chain, or belt which turns the wheel. [2] Flat wheel with a V groove. When attached to a drive and drive members, the pulley provides a means for driving the compressor. See camshaft pulley crankshaft… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • pulley — n. & v. n. (pl. eys) 1 a grooved wheel or set of wheels for a cord etc. to pass over, set in a block and used for changing the direction of a force. 2 a wheel or drum fixed on a shaft and turned by a belt, used esp. to increase speed or power.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pulley — noun (plural pulleys) Etymology: Middle English poley, pully, from Anglo French pulie, probably ultimately from Greek polos axis, pole more at pole Date: 14th century 1. a sheave or small wheel with a grooved rim and with or without the block in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pulley — noun (plural pulleys) a wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord passes, used to raise heavy weights. ↘a wheel or drum fixed on a shaft and turned by a belt, used for the application or transmission of power. verb (pulleys, pulleying,… …   English new terms dictionary

  • pulley — noun One of the simple machines; a wheel with a grooved rim in which a pulled rope or chain will lift an object (more useful when two or more pulleys are used together such that a small force moving through a greater distance can exert a larger… …   Wiktionary

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