building land

building land
территория, пригодная для застройки
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территория, пригодная для застройки

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "building land" в других словарях:

  • land — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 surface of the earth ADJECTIVE ▪ dry ▪ It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea. VERB + LAND ▪ reach ▪ The explorers reached land after a long voyage …   Collocations dictionary

  • Building the Virginian Railway — began as a project to create an convert|80|mi|km|sing=on long short line railroad to provide access for shipping of untapped bituminous coal reserves in southern West Virginia early in the 20th century. After facing a refusal of the big railroads …   Wikipedia

  • Land and Property Laws in Israel — refers to the legal framework governing land and property issues in Israel. Following its establishment, Israel designed a system of law that legitimized both a continuation and a consolidation of the nationalisation of land and property, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Land use forecasting — undertakes to project the distribution and intensity of trip generating activities in the urban area. In practice, land use models are demand driven, using as inputs the aggregate information on growth produced by an aggregate economic… …   Wikipedia

  • Land use — is also often used to refer to the distinct land use types in Zoning. Land use is the human modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements. The major effect of land use on land… …   Wikipedia

  • land — n 1: an area of the earth usu. inclusive of improvements, bodies of water, and natural or man made objects and extending indefinitely upward and downward compare air right 2: an estate, interest, or right in land land means both surface and… …   Law dictionary

  • Building regulations in England and Wales — Building regulations are statutory instruments that seek to ensure that the policies set out in the relevant liegislation are carried out and Building regulations approval is required for most building work in the UK. Building regulations that… …   Wikipedia

  • building — I (business of assembling) noun aedificatio, amalgamation, architecture, arrangement, assembling, causation, collocation, compilation, composition, compounding, conformation, conjunction, constitution, construction, contriving, craftsmanship,… …   Law dictionary

  • Building management — (in the UK) is a discipline that comes under the umbrella of facility management. A building manager supervises the hard and soft services of a built structure, ensuring that the security, health and safety, and maintenance of this built… …   Wikipedia

  • Land value tax — Land value taxation (LVT) (or site value taxation) is an ad valorem tax where only the value of land itself is taxed. This ignores buildings, improvements, and personal property. Because of this, LVT is different from other property taxes which… …   Wikipedia

  • Land reform — Land reforms (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) is an often controversial alteration in the societal arrangements whereby government administers possession and use of land. Land reform may consist of a government… …   Wikipedia

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