gravity tank

gravity tank
1) водонапорный резервуар, бак для подачи воды самотёком
2) отстойник

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "gravity tank" в других словарях:

  • gravity tank — A tank from which fuel is fed to an engine under the force of gravity, making it unfit for inverted flight …   Aviation dictionary

  • Tank research and development — continues in many industrial countries despite the end of the Cold war. The funds involved are lower than when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a massive arms race. Most of the tank design bureaus or arsenals now function… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank locomotive — A tank locomotive is a steam locomotive that carries its own fuel and water on it, instead of pulling it behind it in a tender. Types of locomotive There are a number of types of locomotive, based on the location and style of the water tanks.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity turn — A gravity turn or zero lift turn is a maneuver (see trajectory optimization) used in launching a spacecraft into, or descending from, an orbit around a celestial body such as a planet or a moon. This launch trajectory offers two main advantages… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravity railroad — A Gravity railroad (US) or Gravity railway (UK) is a railroad on a slope that allow cars carrying minerals or passengers to coast down the slope by the force of gravity alone. The cars are then hauled back up the slope using animal power or a… …   Wikipedia

  • gravity — noun 1 natural force ADJECTIVE ▪ low, weak, zero ▪ the weak gravity on the moon ▪ strong VERB + GRAVITY ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • gravity — 01. Isaac Newton began his famous experiments with [gravity] in 1664. 02. Galileo helped us to understand motion and [gravity] when he began to study falling bodies. 03. The moon s [gravitational] field exerts tidal forces on our oceans. 04. A… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • gravity-feed fuel system — An aircraft fuel system in which the fuel from the supply tank to the engine is fed under gravity, rather than with the help of a booster pump. See aircraft fuel system …   Aviation dictionary

  • gravity feed — A fuel supply system where the gas tank is mounted higher than the carburetor. This system was used in some older cars where the gas tank was located in front of the windshield and in many motorcycles …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Mark I tank — A British Mark I male tank near Thiepval on 26 September 1916, fitted with wire mesh to deflect grenades and the initial steering tail, shown raised …   Wikipedia

  • Landing Ship, Tank — A Canadian LST off loads an M4 Sherman during the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. Landing Ship, Tank (LST) was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant… …   Wikipedia

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