- grantee of trademark
- владелец товарного знака
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Law of Arms — The Law of Arms or laws of heraldry, governs the bearing of arms , that is, the possession, use or display of arms, also called coats of arms, coat armour or armorial bearings. Although it is believed that the original function of coats of arms… … Wikipedia
licensee — li·cens·ee /ˌlīs ən sē/ n: one to whom a license is given a patent licensee; specif: one (as a firefighter in the course of his or her duty) who is on the property of another by authority of law or by the consent or invitation of the possessor… … Law dictionary
Exclusive right — In Anglo Saxon law, an exclusive right is a de facto, non tangible prerogative existing in law (that is, the power or, in a wider sense, right) to perform an action or acquire a benefit and to permit or deny others the right to perform the same… … Wikipedia
List of law topics (F-M) — NOTOC Law [From Old English lagu something laid down or fixed ; legal comes from Latin legalis , from lex law , statute ( [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=law searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m… … Wikipedia
title — A mark, style, or designation; a distinctive appellation; the name by which anything is known. Thus, in the law of persons, a title is an appellation of dignity or distinction, a name denoting the social rank of the person bearing it; as duke or… … Black's law dictionary
San Miguel Corporation — Type Public (PSE: SMC … Wikipedia
Microchip implant (animal) — For use in humans, see Microchip implant (human). Microchip implant in a cat. A microchip implant is an identifying integrated circuit placed under the skin of a dog, cat, horse, parrot or other animal. The chips are about the size of a large… … Wikipedia
Copyright in architecture — is an important, but little understood subject in the architectural discipline. Copyright is a legal concept that gives the creator of a work the exclusive right to use that work for a limited time. These rights can be an important mechanism… … Wikipedia
proprietary — proprietarily /preuh pruy i tair i lee, pruy i ter /, adv. /preuh pruy i ter ee/, adj., n., pl. proprietaries. adj. 1. belonging to a proprietor. 2. being a proprietor; holding property: the proprietary class. 3. pertaining to property or… … Universalium
Copyright in architecture in the United States — Copyright in architecture is an important, but little understood subject in the architectural discipline. Copyright is a legal concept that gives the creator of a work the exclusive right to use that work for a limited time. These rights can be… … Wikipedia
Dorchester, Boston — Dorchester Neighborhood of Boston Neponset River at Lower Mills in Dorchester … Wikipedia