- grade resistance
- сопротивление движению в зависимости от уклона дороги
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Resistance thermometer — Resistance thermometers, also called resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), are temperature sensors that exploit the predictable change in electrical resistance of some materials with changing temperature. As they are almost invariably made of… … Wikipedia
-grade — ♦ Élément, du lat. gradus, de gradi « marcher » : digitigrade, plantigrade. grade élément, du lat. gradi, marcher . ⇒ GRADE, élém. formant Élém. terminal empr. au lat. gradus de gradus « pas, posture, degré » et qui sert à former des adj. et … Encyclopédie Universelle
Grade — NOTOC Grade may refer to:In education* Grade (education), a teacher s evaluation of a student s performance * Grade level, the numbering of the year a student has reached in school.In civil engineering* Grade (slope), the pitch of a slope such as … Wikipedia
Drug Resistance Strategies Project — The Drug Resistance Strategies Project (DRS), a program funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), teaches adolescents and pre adolescents how to make decisions and resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD). The DRS project was… … Wikipedia
Drug Abuse Resistance Education — Logo of D.A.R.E Drug Abuse Resistance Education, better known as DARE, is an international education program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior. D.A.R.E., which has expanded globally since its … Wikipedia
On-Grade Mat Foundation for Expansive Soils — An on grade mat foundation is an above ground type of foundation used to provide load bearing capacity in expansive, rocky or hydro collapsible soils. The foundation, or “Wafflemat,” is created by connecting a series of 8½” or 12” high, 19” x 19” … Wikipedia
Kiddy Grade — キディ・グレイド Type Shōnen Genre aventure, mystère, police, science fiction, ecchi Anime Réalisateur(s) Keiji Gotoh Studio d animation GONZO … Wikipédia en Français
Médaille de la Résistance — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Résistance. Médaille de la Résistance … Wikipédia en Français
Los Angeles Resistance Cell (V series) — The Los Angeles Resistance Cell is a fictional underground rebel organisation in the NBC television series V . According to the series mythology, the group was formed in response to the invasion of the Earth by the Visitors, a hostile alien… … Wikipedia
Kiddy grade — キディ・グレイド Genre aventure, mystère, police, science fiction, ecchi Anime japonais Réalisateur(s) Keiji Gotoh Studio d’animation GONZO … Wikipédia en Français
Papy fait de la résistance — Données clés Réalisation Jean Marie Poiré Scénario Christian Clavier Martin Lamotte Jean Marie Poiré Acteurs principaux Christian Clavier Michel Galabru Roland Giraud Gérard Jugnot … Wikipédia en Français