grade course

grade course
нижний ряд кладки (на уровне грунта)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "grade course" в других словарях:

  • Grade inflation — is the supposed increase over time of academic grades, faster than any real increase in standards.It is frequently discussed in relation to U.S. education, and to GCSEs and A levels in England and Wales. Prevalence Grade inflation is often… …   Wikipedia

  • Grade retention — or grade repetition is the process of having a student who repeats a course, usually one previously failed. Students who repeat a course are referred as repeaters . [ [] Definition of repeater,… …   Wikipedia

  • Course Hero — URL Slogan Learn. Share. Teach. Achieve. Type of site Internet Social Learning Network Available language(s) English Alexa …   Wikipedia

  • Course equivalency — is the term used in higher education describing how a course offered by one college or university relates to a course offered by another. If a course is viewed as equal or better than the course offered by the receiving college or university, the …   Wikipedia

  • grade — [grād] n. [Fr < L gradus, a step, degree, rank < gradi, to step, walk < IE base * ghredh , to stride > Goth griths, step] 1. any of the stages in an orderly, systematic progression; step; degree 2. a) a degree or rating in a scale… …   English World dictionary

  • grade point — grade′ point n. edu a numerical equivalent of a letter grade that is multiplied by the number of credits for the course taken …   From formal English to slang

  • grade-point average — «GRAYD POYNT», U.S. Education. a measure of scholastic achievement obtained by dividing all the grade points earned by the number hours of the course or courses taken: Abbr: GPA (no periods) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Grade (education) — GPA redirects here. For other uses, see GPA (disambiguation). Academic grading Africa Egypt • Kenya • Morocc …   Wikipedia

  • Course credit — A course credit (often credit hour, or just credit or unit ) is a unit that gives weighting to the value, level or time requirements of an academic course taken at a school or other educational institution. Contents 1 United States 2 Europe 3… …   Wikipedia

  • grade point — noun a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course • Hypernyms: ↑mark, ↑grade, ↑score * * * noun : quality point * * * Educ. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • grade — /grayd/, n., v., graded, grading. n. 1. a degree or step in a scale, as of rank, advancement, quality, value, or intensity: the best grade of paper. 2. a class of persons or things of the same relative rank, quality, etc. 3. a step or stage in a… …   Universalium

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